Happy New Year to you all, even if a few days late. Since many people are posting their accomplishments from 2009 and goals for 2010, I thought I would throw my bit in as well.
This year saw the beginnings of my foray into the world of writing, which, I have to tell you, continues to be a leap of faith for me. Previous to this, I hadn't written anything creative since my college days when I was forced to for assignments and that was more years ago that I'm willing to admit. I estimate that I've written and posted about 50,000 words either on FFN or here on LJ. Now I know that may not seem like much to some, but I feel rather accomplished looking at that number considering the many distractions in my life, namely my two lovely children. Among those 50K or so words, I did even manage to complete a story:
Mirror, Mirror a little AU tale set in the InuYasha fandom. It's my first completed story and I'm rather proud of it.
I think, though, that more satisfying than the writing, are the numerous new friends that I have made because of it. Some of you I have gotten to know better than others, but the comments and encouragement from all of you this past year have meant the world to me. Thank you! <3
Throughout the year I will post goals to writing goals similar to what I did in November and December. These, I hope, will help me keep a focus and something to strive towards.
EDIT: Right after I posted this, saw forthrightly post about
project_finish . This is a community designed to do exacted as its name says - get projects finished. It sounds like just what I need (that being, accountability to someone other than myself), so I've joined!
I think the one major writing goal that I have for this new year is to try and get re-focused and get some more work done on my two RuroKen chapter fics. Part of this process will be figuring how to better organize the ideas in my head in a way that makes sense and eases the writing process for me. The actual act of writing is a bit difficult at times. I like to think that I am a creative person, but thus far, my creativity has leaned for toward the visual and performance side of things. I often have a clear picture in my head of how a scene plays out, but don't always know how to put that into words. I'm hoping that with time and practice, this will become easier.
I will continue to drabble in the InuYasha fandom as I have found it a rather amusing place to be. Right now, my work in the fandon, other than Mirror, Mirror, are confined to the
dokuga_contest community which is for the Sess/Kag pairing. I may venture into the realm of other pairings, but since I would like to get back to my RuroKen roots, so to speak, i will wait on that. So far, my collection of drabbles is rather small, but I hope to archive them on FFN sometime this year.
I also owe a few of you fics from the challenge meme of a while ago. I also hope to get those done. during the coming year.
OK, so now that that's done, I thought some of you might like an update on where I am with the RuroKen stories, Dream Weaver and Allerleiruah.
Having two weeks off of work, including a week in the beautiful, snowy California Sierra Mountains really did some good. I found an inspiring little nook in my parents' house there and was loathe to leave it. So in between building snow men and taking my kids sledding, I did actually get some things done.
Chapter 3 of Allerleiruah is complete and with
shrouded_view for beta-ing. YAY!!! As mentioned in a previous writing update, I have several more chapters roughly outlined and hope to be able to start in on Ch. 4 soon.
Dream Weaver is not as far along as I would hope, but I have about 4 pages down and some ideas for Chapter 5. There are a couple of overall plot issues that I think I need to be addressed with the story before I can go too much further, but I have found someone willing to help me brainstorm to see if a solution can be found. I have sent her the chapters which have been posted so far, along with my somewhat scattered notes. I am hoping that between our busy schedules we'll be able to find some time to hammer things out so that I can move forward. For fans of this fic, please know that it has not been abandoned. As my first story, I have a particular fondness for it and want to be able to do it justice, so thank you for your patience.
Well, I guess that's about it for now. I hope all of you had a wonderful holiday and I wish you the best in the new year.