Cabin Fever

Apr 17, 2007 19:49

Ok I am not sure if I have posted about this before or not so here it goes again…I am going completely crazy. That is all thank you come again. *bashes head on desk* Ok so the good news is that there is a good chance I will be home by the end of May at the latest possible around the middle of May. The bad news is the Army has successfully blocked all means of my entertainment. All work and no play makes Hupp go CRAZY…er. I have successful developed a extreme possibly incurable (by now) case of cabin fever and have gone past cabin fever back to severe boredom. I have picked up severe Pyro tendencies to the point where I have burn two fingers, turned the hair on my hands black, oh and had a fireball decide to gently kiss me. Ok you know it is bad when the fire in this country is a restless as I am, that or I just bring out the best in it. The Army loves me going out and doing burn with them because the flames like to play for me. They have yet to do anything bad but the Army guys think I am going to set myself on fire. Upon loss of my messenger access I took up making backgrounds which was going good for about a week then I ran out of ideas and now one would suggest anything. *grumbles and flips people off* I then took up coloring line art and that lasted a whopping 3 days when I ran out of stuff I was interested in coloring. *grumbles* Then I tried to make siege weapons for the Army…Don’t ask… and it was going good until I found out we don’t have the F***ing drill bits I need for the axle holes. *grumbles some more* But Hagan is coming back this week and hopefully she can help me stay entertained, nothing like having a girl that is as big of a pervert as me working in the next office. It is bad I can tell you we have freaked out people and just sat there talking about stuff like it is normal. Like how we had conversations about hentai with a couple of the other army guys there looking at us like we were crazy. Yeah when you start talking about tentacle rape with people that have never seen Hentai it gets funny. I have been so fucking bored that I tracked down Zork an old school text base adventure game and played that for a couple of days then beat it. *grumbles* But my MP3s are download and I can leave now so I will let you go, Peace out. *drops though a hole in the floor that disappears as he passes though*
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