Happy days

Nov 23, 2006 13:15

Even though the cat didn't wake me up early this morning, my brain did, forcing me to get up and start work early. Which means that I've done a *lot* today, actually typing up everything that I've written by hand so far.

48,718 / 100,000

I believe that the handwritten words, which I'd guestamated at about 15,000, turned into about 19,000 typed words. I'm going with the larger number for now, just because it makes me feel better about possibly making my NaNoWriMo goal.

I'm taking a break from the writing -- making myself some lunch. Then I'm going to marble some paper. This evening, after dinner, I'm going to make myself a large hot chocolate and write some more. I'm hoping to get in some significant word count later on. Right now I'm just too tired. (I've been writing for six hours straight and I'm *tired*.)

Doing a "what I'm thankful for" list feels very strange to me. Not because I'm not thankful, just the opposite. One of my regular rituals is to say "thank you" to the Universe every morning when I get up, as well as every evening before I go to sleep. I regularly list the things that I'm thankful for, because I have so much. So this is just a sub-list, because the real list would go on for pages and pages.

I'm thankful for:

-- The words. That I can write again. That the fire has come back. That there's joy in it.

-- The obsession. That it's the first thing I think about when I wake up, and the last thing I think about before I sleep. That odd novel thoughts occur to me all the time. That it's living with me, more present than any housemate.

-- The good days, when I can write, when I do have energy, when I can think.

-- The bad days, so I can rest and reflect and cherish myself, take care of myself, do all those little things that make my life easier.

-- The day job. I may bitch about it sometimes, but really, it's such a beautiful thing, to be able to work from home, the hours that I pick, with an understanding boss. As well as get paid a very good wage. I actually haven't received a raise in years, but I'm still making good enough money to support myself and to travel every now and again.

-- Being single. Honestly -- I'm thankful for that every day. I am not a person who can co-habitate. I'm not convinced that I should ever get into another serious relationship. I'm just so much happier being on my own.

-- My friends. I socialize a lot more now, here, in Seattle, then I ever did when I was married. It surprises me how many people I can now call friend. I've never had this many friend before, not my whole life. It's a constant source of joy and amazement to me.

-- My kitty. She's demanding and she wakes me up at 4 AM. Often. But she also makes me laugh and is a lovely companion.

-- My family. I'm really looking forward to Christmas time, when we'll all be gathered together. We'll laugh until our stomachs hurt, as we always do.

-- The world. It's such an amazing place. I love Seattle and everywhere else I've lived or visited. I look forward to exploring more of it.

I think that's about it for now. I'm thankful for the food I'm about to eat, that I can afford it. That I have a place to call my own in which to prepare it. That I have clothes and heat and light.

Thank you.

thanksgiving, writing, hos, stats

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