Further update

Oct 14, 2006 17:08

Well, that took for-fucking-ever, but I finally finished writing chapter four today, adding 3500 words to the total so far.

25,500 / 100,000

25% complete? I'm in AWE of that. I started this project September 10th. I cannot believe how well it's going, how I'm still obsessed with it, how I keep having ideas not just for this book but for the second one as well. . .

Tomorrow I'll start the major rewrites that I need to do to chapter three -- now that I have an idea of the character and her conflict. *G*

This novel makes me so happy. Writing makes me so happy. I was miserable this morning, and now I'm miles, hell, light years away from that place.

Today was educational for me (if I can actually remember the lessons. . . ) Now I know that not only can I plow my way through feeling like shit, but that once I do, the joy will find me again. That is, if I can find something I can work on. Doing original writing would have been impossible earlier today, but minor rewrites were fine.

Plus, today was another example of why I cannot every cohabitate again. I needed today, ALL DAY, to myself. Anyone else in my space would have interrupted my concentration, probably fatally. I just don't have it in me to resist the pull of the other. Even just my cat being here was bad. At least she didn't seem to mind when all I did was talk about the book for a while -- as long as I kept petting her, she was fine.

One thing surprised me this week. I didn't write on Thursday because of A) lack of time (I had PT that morning) B) severe hip pain C) I generally take Thursdays off (it's the day after Project Runway and I usually indulge myself reading everyone's comments about the show.) This wasn't the surprising part, obviously. The surprise came on Friday morning, when I sat down to journal, and I felt a rising panic because I hadn't written on the novel in over a week! It had only been a day, less than forty-eight hours since I'd worked on it, seventy-two hours since I'd written anything from scratch. But I still had that panic. I think on some level I don't trust myself and this book. I need to keep proving that I love it, that I'm still obsessed by it, and that I will keep coming back to it, no matter how long a break I take.

I hope that everyone is having a fabulous weekend!

writing, hos, stats

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