Getting back to work…

Sep 26, 2016 14:55

So this last month has kind of sucked in terms of my health, which has in turn, led to quite a low level of productivity (for me. I understand that even sick I’m more productive than some, while looking like a slacker even when I’m well compared to others. I can only do what I can do.)

I feel as though I’m exactly where I was a month ago, wanting to focus on the writing and increase my word count from now until the end of the year, doing 3000 words/day instead of merely 2000. (Mind you, this last month my average was much closer to merely 800 words/day.)

A part of me is concerned about making this announcement again, considering what happened the last time I did. Tempting fate, as it were.

Fuck that.

There’s always a part of my consciousness that’s tuned into every time I say “I’m afraid/scared/concerned with X.” Because the only way I let my fears drive me is give me a list of what’s next. If I hear myself say, “I’m scared to do X” then that becomes the next thing on my list to do.

So while I’m concerned that I won’t be healthy enough to focus on my writing how I want to, I’m still stating the declaration that I’m willing to try again. To give fate the finger, as it were.

Wish me luck!

Remember, if you’re interested in learning how to make beautiful interiors for print books, I’m teaching a workshop about it starting October 12.

Go to for more details.

ION, I have a new novel coming out next week. (Horrific lack of pre-release advertising can be blamed on being sick for most of the last month.)

I have a magnificent cover for this novel, and am in the process of rebranding the previous three novels in the series as well.

So here’s the cover, as well as the blurb. It will be generally available as of October 4th.


Cassie cannot turn away her most recent client. She needs the money. Though honestly, trying to find the woman’s damned cat turns her stomach.

But the client also carries a rose with her. It represents…something. Something destructive. Something apocalyptic.

Something Cassie can’t defend herself from. Not even with sarcasm.

“Spoiled Harvest”-the third novel in this fast-paced urban fantasy series-pits Cassie against an order of monks who follow Zarathustra, more gods, and even more corporate machinations.

Be sure to read the first two kickass Cassie novels: “Poisoned Pearls” and “Tainted Waters”.
Crossposted from my website. If you'd like to comment, you can do so here or there.

spoiled harvest coming soon

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