Poisoned Pearls now available!

Aug 19, 2014 01:00

Poisoned Pearls is now available!

I am SO excited about this book! I just adore it. I’ve had some good feedback from other people as well. Fingers crossed that this one will sell well.

Here’s the blurb:

Working at a sex & toy shop like Chinaman Joe’s Good Luck Parlor keeps Cassie in smokes and off the streets. It isn’t glamorous. But it’s a life.

Then again, Cassie is just normal, not one of the blessed. No paranormal abilities, no telepathy, no pre-cognition. Normal.

But when someone kills Cassie’s best friend in the alley behind the store, the police start looking at her. Hard. Particularly when the Post-Cog on the case swears she’s involved, somehow.

Then someone strangles a prostitute right there in the store.

Cassie knows the cops are wrong about everything. She didn’t do it, and the deaths aren’t about drugs.

But to prove them wrong Cassie has to stop gods she didn’t know were real and prevent Ragnarok.

Her life will never be the same.

If you’re interested in reading a sample, you can download a sample here. You can also get a sample as an epub or as a mobi file.

I’ve also posted the prologue and first two chapters here.
Crossposted from my website. If you'd like to comment, you can do so here or there.

free fiction, novel available!, new novel, poisoned pearls

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