Too good to last…

Jul 25, 2014 09:54

Have managed to come down with a summer cold. Am all sniffly and congested. Feeling better today. Last night was feeling as though I’d been run over by a truck or something.

*le sigh*


This is only the second time that I’ve been sick this year.

There’s a good chance that this will be the last time I get sick this year.

From the mid-80s until 2009, I got sick a lot. Generally, once every four to six weeks. Would have 3-4 sinus infections every year.

Didn’t realize I was allergic to grain. Once I figured that out, and stopped eating things I was allergic to, my health improved dramatically. I’ve had one sinus infection since then-and that involved flying while I had a cold.

So while I’m bummed that I’m sick (I have Too Much To Do. Period.) I’m also so incredibly thankful that I figured this out. That I now get sick infrequently. That I can afford to eat good, healthy food. That I know how to fix and cook food, was taught how as a child. (I think a lot about food availability issues and food deserts and like that. But that’s a different blog post.)

But because I can’t really do anything today - maybe I’ll just have to spend the day reading. Darn?
Crossposted from my website. If you'd like to comment, you can do so here or there.

food, primal blueprint, sick, health, food desert, allergies

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