Story Inspiration Sunday

Apr 06, 2014 01:00

I blog about inspiration both here and over at Book View Cafe. Feel free to comment either here or over there!

This week, I’m afraid, is again going to be about a different type of inspiration.

However, this week was also very different.

I hadn’t planned it this way. It was my choice.

This week turned out to be the last week I worked my day job.

Let me explain.

I went on sabbatical for the day job for three months, visiting New Zealand and New Orleans, as well as writing a bunch.

I went back to the day job, assuming that I would adjust eventually.

By the end of the first week, I was not adjusting. Period. My fiancee had to talk me off the ledge more than once.

By the end of the second week, I was in hell.

At the start of the third week, I gave one week’s notice. I had only been back at work for two weeks. Better to not get deeply entangled by leaving quickly.

So Friday was my last day.

I have now officially changed careers. I am a full-time, professional fiction writer.

Another way to look at it - For the last few years I’ve had four jobs: Fiction writer, publisher, inn keeper, and day job. I’ve finally dropped one of them!

This does not mean I’ll have more time. What I learned while on sabbatical was that while I wrote more, I also ended up doing more. I suspect this is going to be my life for a while - reading, writing, publishing, and working. Then working some more. Then working a bit more. Maybe taking a break, then working even more.

I’m so excited about my change of careers. And nervous. And overjoyed. And anxious.

I have no regrets about my decision, though. It was the right choice.

In general, I work at being practical and responsible, not a flighty artist.

This time, the artist won. I had to go. I couldn’t stay.

So how does this tie into inspiration? Once I made the decision to go, boy did I get focused. I wrote, worked day job, did publishing stuff.

Despite this being an emotional roller coaster, I’m writing. I have deadlines, beta readers who are expecting the next novel. Short stories to submit to anthologies. So much to do!

Monday morning starts “the new normal.” I’ll get up at 7 AM, walk at least a mile to wake myself up, then write. Eat breakfast, then write some more. Take a break, then write some more.

I can’t tell you how excited I am about this next phase of my life. How inspired I feel. The sky’s the limit - and the only person who can hold me back is myself.

So what big change have you faced recently? Has it inspired you to do more?
Crossposted from my website. If you'd like to comment, you can do so here or there.

woo hoo, full time writer, story inspiration sunday, squeeee, day job, end of the day job

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