2012 Publishing Numbers

Dec 23, 2012 14:53

It’s time for those retrospective things. I figured I’d start with some publishing numbers. Numbers of books sold and monies won’t be available for quite some time.

This was a good year for Knotted Road Press, my publishing company. Here are my year end numbers:

11 POD
12 short stories
3 collections
3 novels

Total titles: 18
Total published: 29

I count POD in addition to titles, though strictly speaking it’s the same title, published twice. However, the POD version always takes more work.

I wrote a total of 16 short stories in 2012. Some of these won’t be published until next year. Some may come out as part of “The Guardian Hound” first - I don’t know yet.

I don’t know what my total word count for the year is either. As I plan on writing a lot this week, I’m optimistic about pushing the average daily word count up for the year. Currently it’s at 514 words per day. If I do 10,000 words this week of the novel, that will push it up to 542 words per day for the year. Wish me luck!
Crossposted from my website. If you'd like to comment, you can do so here or there.

2012 stats, 2012 publishing totals, 2012 numbers

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