Happy Birthday to Me!

Dec 01, 2012 11:16

Today’s my birthday. It’s been a good day so far. I’m still sick, which kind of sucks, but I’ve taken lots of OTC medication, so I’m feeling okay, and my symptoms are mostly under control.

This morning I woke up with a purring kitty curled up by my side. That’s always a good way to start the day. I went grocery shopping this morning (I’ve been traveling for two weeks, so there’s no food in the house.) Then I made myself what I consider to be a great breakfast: eggs with spinach and cheese, double-smoked bacon from Rainshadow meats, with raspberries, raw yellow pepper and raw cauliflower on the side to snack on.

One of my co-workers roasts his own coffee. He gave me a bit for my birthday - specialty, single-source beans from Yemen, a light roast. OMG is it good. When I try a new coffee, I always take at least a few sips without adding any cream, just to taste it. This is smooth enough that I could drink it without cream, but I added cream anyway because that’s how I prefer my coffee.

Later tonight I’m going out to dinner with friends. For the rest of the day, though, I’m planning on being pretty lazy. One of my holiday traditions is to re-watch the LotR trilogy. I might start on that today. I have some other shows to catch up on as well, the ridiculousness that is “Arrow,” the last of “Ru Paul’s Drag Race - All Stars,” the most recent “Haven” and “Grimm.”

But for now, I’m curled up on my gorgeous golden fainting couch in my writing nook upstairs, watching the rain and wind, listening to the birds, with great coffee and a good book (“I am not a serial killer.”) (I’m about 1/3rd into it, and I’m enjoying the hell out of it.)

I hope everyone else is having a lovely, stress-free day!
Crossposted from my website. If you'd like to comment, you can do so here or there.

still sick, my birthday!

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