To blog or not to blog*

Nov 14, 2012 21:38

I read a piece today about someone rethinking his position on fake geek girls.

I have my own thoughts about this (including, who the f**k died and made you geek god and therefore in a position to judge other people’s geekness and whether it lives up to your rules or not?)

But I wanted to comment on a different part. From the piece:

Have you ever vented in the spur of the moment, something you wish you’d taken some time to really think out? Have you ever used Facebook as a catharsis for a burst of emotion? Have you ever felt your logical side peek out and say “Hey now, you know that’s not what you really feel…” only to have your emotional side say “YEAH BUT IT FELT REALLY GOOD TO SAY!”

No. I have not. I cannot count the number of times when I do not blog or post what I’m thinking or feeling. Why?

Much of it comes back to WIBBOW - Would I Be Better Off Writing?

-I don’t have time to moderate comments. I would be better off spending my time writing.

-As a female, if I fly off the handle about something, the chances are high I’ll have a shit storm raining down on my head 100 times worse than if I was a male. I would be better off spending my time writing. (Unlike some of my fellow female bloggers, you’ve never had the experience of a man following you everywhere on the internet with the express purpose of trashing what you say and making your life general hell. While you may have generated a shit storm with the above mentioned post, it isn’t as if that happens every time you post.)

-It’s the internet. Everything, and I mean everything, I’ve ever written on the internet could be found by my current employer, any potential employer, etc. Locked forums or private groups or long dead web pages-you put it out there, it can be found. (I do lock posts sometimes, but that’s because I don’t want them to be seen immediately, not because I have some kind of naive belief that it’s protected.)

So do I fly off the handle? No, sir. I do not. That’s not my choice or my privilege, as it were.

And now - back to writing.

*WIBBOW is always the answer

Crossposted from my website. If you'd like to comment, you can do so here or there.

invisible backpack, wibbow?

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