Keep on rolling

Sep 15, 2012 22:38

One of the smarter decisions I’ve made recently was to switch to writing short stories. I knew that while changing to the new position would be awesome, it would also be a “life roll” - basically, something that happens in your life that will prevent or slow down your writing.

I haven’t stopped writing. But I’m not writing consistently, not publishing a short story a week. Tomorrow or the next day I will put up the links for “The Piano Time Rag,” a short story I finished recently. (It’s only up at Smashwords currently. And I’m labeling it as a short story, but it’s 9600 words long.) I’m 3000+ words into the next Hell ‘verse story (“Postcards From Hell” which will also probably end up being between 8-9000 words long.)

I’m also traveling next week, and this year, I don’t have to finish a short story the weeks I’m traveling. I may finish it anyway - we’ll see. And then I’ll write the next one. I’m kind of excited about the open possibilities, and I want to take advantage of this time, and write some cool stuff. I have so many ideas!

So even though this is a life roll, I’m still going to keep writing as much as I can, while at the same time, not stressing myself out about it or making myself crazy.

I understand why Nigel said what he did, how he was going to vote for Chehon because he’s a better dancer.

I know Nigel was trying to be honest, but it came off as mean, to tell Cyrus after he’d just blown the doors out in his routine with tWitch that Nigel wasn’t going to vote for him.

Plus it brought up the other thing I continue to think about in regards to this season: privilege. One of the reasons why Chehon and the others are such good dancers is because they came from privilege. They grew up in households that could afford to send them to ballet school or dance classes.

Cyrus didn’t. I don’t know if he has siblings but he was raised by a single mom. The impression I have (and I could be wrong) was that he was on the edge of trouble? Starting to get into trouble? And dance was a way out, something he could do. He didn’t start until he was 16.

He’s never had the money for dance classes. Probably has never had the time or ability to take them, either. He’s coming from a place that I’m not sure Nigel understands. And so Nigel’s voting for Chehon, and the way he phrased it, also sounded like he was voting for privilege, for people who could afford classes and such. I don’t think Nigel meant it that way, but I keep thinking about it.

It’s also why I want Cyrus to win. Not because he’s the best dancer. No one would say that. But because of the opportunities and doors it would open for him. He needs the win more than any of the other dancers.

Even if he doesn’t win, I really, truly hope that he gets to do what he wants to do now, in his life. I want him to be happy. Money and fame won’t buy him happiness, but they’ll give him opportunities he has never even thought of before. Honestly, just being on the show and getting this far has done that for him.

I really wish him well, and am excited to see who wins next week!

(Oh, and I just checked - tWitch studied dance in college before he tried out for the show. There’s a reason why he was considered a better dancer: he’d had opportunity that Cyrus didn’t.)

Crossposted from my website. If you'd like to comment, you can do so here or there.

privilege, cyrus, postcards from hell, the piano-time rag, sytycd

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