Moving along

Sep 25, 2011 23:01

Only about 1000 words today. But I have the first three scenes written, and I’m very pleased. Tomorrow night I should have more time, unless this story drags me in and I must!write! in the morning. (And by written I mean all hand-written. I’ve gone back to that for first draft. It means I’m slower over all because I’ll have to pause and type everything up, but it’s the only process that works for me.)

I also started incorporating the edits for “Walking Gods”. I finished the prologue and a little bit of the story. I’m too tired for more now. Maybe I’ll work on that in the morning.

One last thing - today was a good example of me putting into practice those things I learned in NOLA. Before, if I’d missed my self-imposed, 7 PM writing time, I probably would have been screwed, and wouldn’t have written. My schedule would have been messed up. Instead, I did the things I needed to do for myself, practiced that self-care thing that I hear is all the rage now, and then wrote.

I know most writers give advice about how having a scheduled writing time is so important. I’ve finally learned that for me, a scheduled time to write only works for a while. Then my schedule breaks (usually due to life intruding) and I end up not writing. Or I end up resenting the hell out of it.

It’s much more important to me to have some level of commitment to writing daily, with weekly goals. That way, I can shoe-horn in the writing whenever it fits, and it’s okay when it doesn’t. I’ll still make my goals. (I will finish this story and publish it by EOD Friday. I’m about 3000 words in and it’s only 5-6000 words long.)

So second day of the challenge, still going strong and feeling good. Just feels so good to have those voices back, so strong, you know?
Crossposted from my website. If you'd like to comment, you can do so here or there.

challenge, bakers dozen, writing schedule

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