Disneyland Challenge 2009: Rules and Request for Participants

Jul 07, 2009 03:57

This year’s Disneyland Challenge is scheduled for August 1, 2009.  Last year the four of us who attempted to complete this monumental task only left two attractions unridden, and we are optimistic about our ability to complete the Challenge this year.

The 2009 Participants
At the time of this writing, the only two confirmed participants are Chris Larsen (me) and David Emmert.  Explicit invitations have be extended to the other 2008 participants, Mark Sandwisch and Adam Klopfenstein, as well as several others.  It gets exponentially difficult to move through the park as the group size increases, so I believe the ideal number of participants is 8 or fewer, but I think it’s possible with as many as 12.  If you wish to participate, contact me to confirm your spot by July 22.

The Disneyland Challenge Overview
The Disneyland Challenge is accomplished by successfully completing everything listed on Disneyland’s “Attraction” list in a single operating day.  To be valid, the Challenge may only be attempted during the summer or Christmas season, and ideally only on a weekend, preferably a Saturday.  “Operating day” begins when the main Disneyland gates open, and it ends when attractions stop running for the night (i.e. when guests are no longer permitted to board a ride, not the posted closing time).  Participants should make use of any system or benefit available to regular guests, but may not make use of any “preferential” treatment (e.g. participants may use the FastPass system, but are not permitted to have a cast-member friend let them in early or stay late).  Rides with multiple stations require a “full loop,” and “Redundant” rides need only to be completed 50%.  If any listed attraction is closed for any reason, a comparable attraction shall be substituted in its place.  For “verification purposes”, a photo should be taken in front of each attraction’s main sign with approximately half of the participants and number indicating the “ride count”.  Specific details about the 2009 Disneyland Challenge are listed later in this post.

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Originally published at myfaultgeek.com. Please leave any comments there.
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