How to make a lpsk8r87
1 part friendliness
3 parts brilliance
1 part beauty
Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Serve with a slice of lustfulness and a pinch of salt. Yum!
Personality cocktailFrom ok heres some stuff i meant to type b4 i went to sleep in front of the comp:
major bug genocide going on in my house, there are like a millioin ants in my basement and flies keep getting in somehow. the doors/windows are always locked and even then we have screens. so wtf? i killed like millions of animals and armies of ants yesterday. it was horrible!!!! i have never killed some many animals and seen so much blood b4!!
AQUABATS OWNED!!! godamn. it was fun. someone grabed my ass. who? what? it was weird but i liked it a little. then geoff's friend mikey foot totally fucking slams his elbow into my collarbone. fucking battle wounds, that hurt.
yesterday: met some cool ass good ass hell punk ass skaters by my house. they're dope and they sk8 w/ brian brown. BRIAN BROWN. THE. BRIAN. BROWN. FUCKING BRIAN BROWN. BRIAN BROWN, is hands down the best skater in a 15 mile radius. easily. so now i can come up and chill whenever. forget the fact that they are most obviously 77s. they were cool as hell.
well im done ranting and i think ill go massacure some more armies of ants.
oh and my mom left for orland today
See what amusement park ride you are. You Are Ed Wood From "Ed Wood."
You definitely have your name in history, although probably not for the reason you believe. Yet you are very accepting, non-judgemental, and optimistic almost to a fault. You also have a thing for angora sweaters. How could anyone not like you?
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