The Random Question Meme!
An array of completely random questions about my friends!
punkrockdreams steal the cookie from the cookie jar?yesOf
mystime, and
veruka_247, which one is most similar to
eat_my_pencil become invisible at will?Maybe I haven't seen him latelyWhat is
thatfatkid's sexiest feature?nothingHow would
fucked__ survive on a desert island?calling someone on her cellphoneWhat is the most insightful thing you have heard
kaleb_jakob say?Nigh' Nigh'In what ways are you smarter than
jade_equal_suck?Hardly anyWho would win in a fight between
perfectxforxyou and
dragonfruit21?perfectxforxyouWhat happened the last time you and
lilgermantaco were hanging out together?we sat in a long car ride.
This is by
heptadecagram. You can find your own completely random questions
Do you feel enlightened now?