Hmmm - the one stand-alone novel by Cassutt I've read, Red Moon, was not at all bad. Perhaps it's Goyer's influence, or maybe Cassutt does better at historical novels than sf.
Actually, the fact that (one of) the author(s) works in another genre explaisn two things: why they're so bad at SF (few authors can be good at multiple genres, though there are some) and why they got published with a poor work (publishing houses sometimes screw up their cross-genre editing decisions due to marketing putting their oar in and pushing the "really great innovative SF idea that our hit romance writer came up with - someone goes back in time, kills his apparent grandfather as a young man then falls in love wth his grandmother and becomes his own grandfather - PNH says he's had this kind of pitch numerous times from other-genre editors).
Comments 8
No no Liam, stop pussyfooting around, tell us what you really think.... ;-)
Some of the only stuff that felt at all plausible in the novel was the stuff about NASA groundside operations.
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