This is a rather long reply to a post from
ciphergoth. The question being, is it plausible that, in future, we will be able to resurrect people from their head, cryonically frozen post-mortemI am keenly interested in the prospect of whole-brain emulation, which strikes me as potentially plausible, with reasonable probability. For one thing, I think that this
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For this reason we do not know at all what it takes to reconstruct consciousness. Perhaps, as some have speculated, a sufficiently advanced civilisation could reconstruct the consciousness of anyone who ever lived by tracking back their effects on the present. Perhaps, on the other hand, ten minutes after death, too much information is lost. Until we know actually what causes consciousness, for me, any speculation on the usefulness of cryo will be as scientific as down the pub "I reckon what they should do is" as an estimate of economics.
However, assuming what you should consider something as "human" when it sufficiently interacts to be a reasonable intellectual challenge to outwit it in a general environment (chess machines in a restricted environment not counting), that's also a fair point but unhelpful as we have no idea whether it is possible to construct a computer of human-like abilities in this way. We have a lot of people who believe yes -- perhaps even the majority belief. Science is not democracy -- we have no proof or even evidence on that front, merely belief.
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