Apr 16, 2004 12:28
alright this is gunna be a pretty short entry....im leavin in a few hours to go on vaca which im very excited about..im going to philidelphia 2night and stayin over there and then leavin 2morrow morning for St. Croix. im really excited about going there and i think im gunna have a really good time. im comin back friday night which is good to since i have a huge ass research paper i hafta do for history which suuuucks. I got dismissed 2day at 11 to finish packing and stuff except i hafta go back at 2 to pick suttin up for history. but yea luckily my dad got me and doyle lunch becuz our house has quite literally no food in it. o yea and im updating this and puttin this in cuz i forgot lol...when i picked doyle up from school i saw nick and i found out last night his mom was driving and some guy went through a red light and hit his mom's mercedes and totalled it. the passenger door was completley pushed in and luckily no one was in the car with her. if it had been the drivers side of the car or if the passenger door had pushed in any further she probably woulds died which is really scary to think about...u never think suttin like that will happen to someone u know and like i really like and care about deb to so im glas she's ok and wil im talking about that i also wanna mention this....im sure pretty much everyone knows what happened the other day with the 3 guys from prouty and yea 1 of my friends goes there and was freidns with them and i just feel so bad for him...and i really just dont even know what to say. like i mean theres really nothing u can say and i feel like anything i do say is wrong...i just feel so horrible for him and everyone else whose going through all of this. alright so on to more up beat things we practice our thing for the variety show and its actually not to bad now. i do not like what we hafta wear but its still bareable. ummm i think thats about all i wanted to say b4 i leave except ill of course miss eeeevvvveeerryyoonne. and HAPPY VACATION everyone....i know we all can use it lol