What a Pitty

Sep 19, 2005 13:43

 I'm a little tired of hearing pity trips from people, who dont even know what its like to really be alone. Alone to me that means by your self, to do something be your self, no help, no shoulder, no map, no tolerance for messing up. I cant stand when my employees complain about how hard it is. Give me a brake you really dont know how hard it is. I'm a girl and i ve been hit hardest. Esp. when i comes to being alone. You try being upset about some thing and haveing to git over it with no ones help.

In my family  i have three brothers. My oldest brother is 20, he was my father growing up, yet now my mom is paying all his bills and he works 4 hours Mon- Friday, then goes home and sits in his room by him self. the middle brother is my step brother he is a couple of months younger then me, He acts for school doesnt have a job doesnt pay bills or gas , just got a some what new car that my dad didnt tell me about probable because he new it wasnt right. My middle brother gets to go to partys at all time of the night any time. My little 5 year old brother is so spoiled he can piss on my mom and call her a whore for 3 days straight and would never git a spankin or punished.

As for me the only girl, i work 2 jobs, go to school, pay all of my bills and gas and clothes and food everyday and yet i cause problems between everyone. Yet if i fail to make a car payment or even complain about my car i get in trouble. And if i have any problems im over reacting and being a drama queen esp. when i start to cry.

The only reason i do cry is because i know that no matter  what i do that i am alone and that no one really cares about how i feel inside. And no matter how hard i work and try to make things right it will never be acknowledged and i will never get to live the lives of my brothers.

So to everyone else what a PITY get over it. Cause this is the only time you will ever hear me complain.
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