Dec 25, 2004 17:59
here it is christmas.
and i'm updating my Live journal
that NO ONE reads.
b.c i have like NO friends.
here it is Christmas.
it's really borying
B.c i'm at katlin's house
and she is not home
she is at her boyfriends.
woo for them to
The kid has like anger classes
he's like 14 and he has anger classes.
well so i'm sitting here
Christmas eve was so much fun
my family on my dad's side just play pass the trash
oh my gosh i never had so much fun be4. with my family.LOL
and that was that. i got cool stuff and yeah. wooo
on wesday. kaylerzzz came and got me
WOO well..she got me
Macky Sarah and K.faust was in the car
and we just drove around
then we went to camrons house
and shane, jack and logan was there
and then Keven thiess came
and then kelly and afton
woo. and then me macky sarah k.faust and kayla left
and we went driving around
and we drove in this one neightbor hood.
ahahha and we saw this dog
and it woudln't go out of it's yard but it would chase us when we went by
so we kept driving by
and thne we took macky and sarah home
and me and k.faust stayed the nigght
That's my really borying christmas break so far. wooo