Jan 13, 2005 11:05
here i am, sitting in p's office waiting for lunch to be over, wishing i had something to eat cuz i havent eaten in a while... like since dinner last nite with the carb overload at tara's house (damn you anna). helped anna babysit last night, trent was a wine tit, logan was puking there for a few minutes (old milk) and the twins just got on my nerves. then went to anna's for a few minutes til my mom came and got me. went home and went to sleep, like i should be doing now. woke up, came to school and watched the oc. now katie and Bj are studying for spanish and i ahve to find a way to get annas tape back to her before tonight. lovely. never gonna happen. yesterday was slightly eventful, im still wondering if nick got introuble for being 25 minutes late to work. i kept telling them, we gotta leave, we gotta leave, but NOOOOOOOOOOOO, no one ever listens to kali.oh well, katie has his blanket. i laugh an evil laugh MUAHAHAHA. OMG MY FUCKING STOMACH IS KILLING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh well, the OC should be interesting tonight. YAY OC!!! i woulds seriously have ben mckenzies kid. but im gonna go now, see if katie and BJ left like i think they did. l8er
EDIT: nice to know your best friends ditched ya isnt it?