OMG is what I can say. This book was amazing, sad, happy, depressing... so many emotions went on when reading this book. I went to Boarders at 9pm friday left after getting my book at 12:01 am :) Read til 5 that morning made it to the middle slept for a few, than woke up to finish finished about 3:30 am this morning. I knew someone was going to die in this book, we all did, and when i read the chapter titles, I knew who it would be, It was so sad, and than what happened with Harry and OMG... Ginny, that was perfect I was so happy to see that happen. I hope in the end of the next book that they come together again, I think they will... This book is awesome I was so made a JK last night because of what happened but than again I still love the books no matter how much they make me cry :p I think Next year I may actaully do this HP fan trip thing that ive been wanting to do for awhile, we get to visit london and oxford, and my Scotland... Cant wait.