Nov 06, 2006 23:12
Hey! I don't really use this thing anymore..but I feel like typing so here goes.
So I've survived my first month! lol. not that i ddint think i would, but yeah. I guess I can update everyone.
I live in an apartment with two other roomates. I have one who I share a room with named Ariel and shes awesome. We like basically the same music and we talk about lots of stuff and laugh all the time. She always goes with me when I go on photography adventures. I feel bad sometimes bc shes probly like kill me now, but i think she actually likes it bc she wants to go into photojournalism maybe. the only bad part is that i think shes transferring :( it sucks bc i would love to get another apartment with her after this year is over.
My other roomate is Ashley and she has her own room. She is really funny and sarcastic and outgoing...she makes me laugh a lot. It is still kinda awkward with her, more awkward than it is with Ariel. The awkwardness is basically gone with Ariel...but its sometimes weird. Like taking off my bra to go to sleep and stuff lol. but anyways, random. ashley talks on the phone to her bf who lives...soemwhere else...a lot. he calls a lot and i just put a phone in the living rooom so i can receive calls without using my minutes on my phone and i can talk to my aunt who lives here but is long distance on my cell phone lol. so it rings like non-stop and its never for me. for example....conversation example...
*phone rings*
Me: "Hello?"
Guy: "Hey, what's up?"
Me: "Are you calling for Ashley?" (i always say this bc they are oblivious taht she lives with other people and its awkward)
Guy: "Um."
Me: "Who are you calling for?"
Guy: "This is (insert name here)"
Me: "No, are you calling for Ashley?"
Guy: "Oh, yeah, Ashley."
I was like wtf? so i dont answer the phone that much anymore. bc its never for me. and im contemplating unplugging the phone in the living room if i cant figure out how to turn it down. lol. but yeah she uses my dishes and i think she attempted to steal my food before... and she doesnt wash dishes or clean really. well, no one cleans. i got so mad once bc i kept emptying the garbage, so i just left the kitchen garbage until soemoen else did it and it seriously was overflowing for 2 days. and everyone just kept piling it. now i know why my mom got so they always say u end up like ur mom! well i am! haha. but eventually someone did it. but the apartment is really messy which bothers me. but i cant complain bc its my mess too. but i wish we did clean weekly like we did at CMU. but oh well.
This apartment is extrememly expensive, thats why im nto staying here again after this year is over. Im pretty sure im staying in atl and going to school during the summer. and im gonna attempt to work at 6 flags bc my roomates friend works there and she said can possibly get me a job. which would be amazing. as far as living, ill probly live with my aunt and try to schedule my classes for 1 or 2 days of the week so i dont have to drive here as much. itll be hard to check out the cameras and stuff though. i might get an apartment with someone though if i find a friend who wants to.
i had orientation for work on saturday. im working at target in the bakery and i start on this thursday. im running out of money so fuckign fast, photography is so expensive! so i get $40 on this paycheck for orientation which unfortunately i am already planning on spending to hang out with my friend karl who is coming up from FL. so then i have to wait 2 more weeks. im getting nervous, but i dont wanna ask my parents for money. my mom is already putting like $20-30 in my account each week. like they havent already spent enough money on me. i probly need to get another job. but i think ill wait until after christmas bc people dont like to hire you when you are leaving for 2 weeks to fly homeeeeee wooo! haha.
i am very excited bc 2 of my very close friends went on a "date!!!!!!!!!" so exciting. i dont know if anything is gonna happen between them or if they even know, but i hope so. bc one has liked the other one forever, and now he likes her back and its just amazing. in my eyes anyways. they might become my new favorite couple, but i dont know if anyone can surpass trish and koobs...until the day i die they will be my fave i think. even when i get married. lol.
the guy scene for me is pretty nonexsistant...which is nothing new. there is a really cute kid in my monday class who looks like the lead singer of the audition...if anyone knows who they are. ah, gorgeous. something little happened between me and my roomates friend which leads me to believe he might of been interested in me but it really was nothing lol. wow i made that sound like we had sex or something...he just asked me for a hug. but it was a little flirtacious haha. but he has a gf too, whats new.
i spend way too much time on the computer nowadays, but i guess thats better than tv? not really...its probly worse. at least im moving though....typing. ahhaha. wow thats horrible. i go to the fitness center every other day though so its all good. haha.
i dont know what else to talk about. people down here are dumb to a new extreme and the traffic is fucking ridiculous but the buildings are amazing and its preeeeeeetty! and i really like it. i just wish someone *wink wink* would move down here bc that would be aweeeeeeeeesome. ok bye!
ps if u read all this please comment so i can like...hail you my hero. :D