i havent updated since jan. thats sad

Jul 11, 2005 12:44

so I dont know how much about this trip I actually posted about. Just got back from the UK, England, Ireland and Wales. It was pretty kickass. I could have done with out all the rocks though. London and Dublin are the shit. I find myself actually liking Dublin a bit more. There was alot of crazy shit going on with the people I went with. It was great because some how me and the 4 other people I really hung out with always ended up in the center of it. It was hard not to cry before I left everyone, I made some really good friends. I was fighting back tears in Atlanta and I almost started in Jackson cuz Casey was boo-hooing. But at soon as I got to the car the water-works came. I got back Friday and its now Monday and I still have to hold them back. I have been over there since June 21 and got back on July 8th. I'm not even gonna try and post everything we did, I cant even remember everything, so here it is in a small small nut shell.
*long plane rides
*long coach rides
*lots of rocks
*lots of castle
*hooka :)
*vanilla ice/tupac
*the lovely jubliess
*the p/phone sex
*long boat ride
*home stay
* "please beat the shit out of mandie"
*gaelic football
*cheerleading gooch-queff(sp?)-ABS
*dublin fuckin rocks my ass off
* thunder-thunder-thundercats-HEY-O!!!!!
* ur momma
*braydon from full on
That is just a very short, short list im sure I'll think of other things later. Peace out kids, much love Allison
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