Title: Lollipop Guild
Author: Santa
Pairings: C/R
Rating: NC-17
Summary: As I stand here watching him being lowered into the ground, I still remember some of the things I said to the other kids. I smirked; yeah, I was way more clever than him.
Prompter: Sarah
Author's Note: Inspiration: "Flying Monkeys (from The Wizard of Oz)" My brain is pretty strange, so when I looked up these flying monkeys, I found that they wore these snazzy blue and red vests. When not thinking of the flag, blue and red represent what here in America?? The Democratic and Republican parties!! So I ran with the whole politics thing, and with what’s happening in the election these days I guess that influenced the plot some. I tried to add little Wizard of Oz whatevers here and there (hence the title). =]
The original prompt was: Flying Monkeys (from the Wizard of Oz).
DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. No profit is being made, and none of the authors nor the administrators of this community are in any way associated with the band Linkin Park, Machine Shop Records, or Warner Brothers.
New Year’s Eve
"I can't believe you let this happen, Sid."
"I'm sorry, Sir."
Six men in suits briskly walk through the corridor of the Garland Hotel. The top secret press conference is about to begin in the common room; they can hear the chatter of the privileged reporters readying equipment, the wind of their camera shutters buzzing just loud enough for the men to hear through the paper-thin wall that separates them, and behind the booming voice of their leader.
"I trusted you with him, with my son. I thought if there was anyone, anyone I could trust it would be you! One simple task, I gave you one goddamn thing to do for him and you couldn't deliver. Instead, he's being delivered somewhere off the coast of Puerto Rico!" His voice gets louder with anguish and anger at the realization that his son is possibly dead by now.
"I know Sir, and I'm sorry... I take full responsibility for what's happening, but you can't do this. You'd be damaging the strength of the military all throughout Florida, it would create an easy target, Sir. You have to think about national security-"
"Quiet!" He adjusts his blue tie as he comes to a stop behind the double doors of the common room. Although he doesn't want to believe him, he knows Sid is right. "I want you to leave. I don't want to see you again."
"What? No, Sir... Phil, don't do this to me, okay? I've been loyal to you for twenty three years!"
"I know, but you've failed me. You know me well, Sid, so you of all people should know that I mean it when I tell you I want you out of my country within twelve hours." He nods to the four silent men. He ignores Phil's protests as he is escorted out of the building. "Not you, Randy," a tall, dark man swiftly turns back to his leader, "you've just been promoted; start the conference. But don't wait for me, ready the plane for Florida."
Randy's tough demeanor hides his excitement well. "Right away, Mr. President." He pushes through the double doors and searches the room for the podium. He waits for the eager reporters to quiet down before he starts, "Ladies and gentleman, the President of the United States."
Three Months Earlier
I have never been an emotional person. Everyone knows that; they know not to expect much of a reaction from me in heavy situations. I guess I can blame my father for that...
Crying was never an option, living with him. Ever since I was 5 years old he'd punish me for shedding a tear, berate me for whining when I was hungry, silence me for laughing too loudly. He never hit me, though, and I was always grateful for that, but he'd put me down whenever he could think of something clever to say, something mean.
"Tough love," he'd call it. It worked, I guess. I wasn't exactly known for my dandy attitude in school. I guess you could call me a verbal bully, but I like asshole better.
As I stand here watching him being lowered into the ground, I still remember some of the things I said to the other kids. I smirk; yeah, I was way more clever than him.
When I was busy being a jerk to the other fifth graders, while my father killed me with tough love, my mother killed me with kindness. She made sure I ate three meals everyday, got my homework done, made it to school on time, she even reminded me to shower every once in awhile.
He fed my mom the same tough love crap, too, and she ate it all up, wanting to please him in every way possible, to make up for what she couldn't give him anymore. He came first, but I didn't care. I still loved her, she was my mother. She was the best.
Then she left me.
She left me here to stay with him, all alone. I knew his verbal abuse would get worse without her around; she had to know that, too. I didn't understand why she wouldn't take me with her. Wherever she was going, I didn't care as long as I was with her.
"It's too dangerous," she said, leaving out the details to protect my eleven year old mind.
I didn't know the whole story for almost seven months. I got to see my mom again, and I was excited. My Dad drove me almost two hours to Sacramento; he was never quiet more than a minute the entire way.
He told me of her inability to get pregnant again, how it made her feel. He told me they tried for years without success. "I couldn't complain too much," he said with a dark smile. Of course I had no idea what he meant at the time, I glared at his wooden box at the thought.
Then he told me the worse day of his life was when she had a miscarriage, and confessed that it had not been the first.
I was a child, I didn't know how that probably made him feel, how it would make any parent feel. I understood why he didn't want mommy anymore, but I still didn't get why she was a danger to me. I asked him as we turned on a street with small houses on either side. "She was unstable, son, and depressed," he said in strange tone, without a drop of sympathy. I had an unstable, depressed, suicidal and unfit mother? I wasn't old enough to fully comprehend all of these concepts, but I knew exactly what the words meant. The word that stuck out the most had not left his mouth, but it had been nailed to my brain for months.
Dangerous. My mother was dangerous, and I had watched enough Lifetime movies to know what a dangerous woman was capable of, and I suddenly didn't want to see my mom anymore. I was afraid.
Of course I overreacted, though, I was only twelve.
My fear turned into annoyance as I realized my mom seemed... like my mom. She was just fine, and I was angry with her for living a peaceful life in good old Sacramento, while I was stuck in Oakland, sitting in my old room staring at the old wall for six hours as punishment for talking back to dear old Dad.
He was either a great actor or he got some of his colleagues to pull a few strings for him in the divorce. I was only allowed to stay with my mother every other weekend and one month during the summer. I still felt pretty gypped, but I went along with it. An entire year went by and my complaints lessened as my bimonthly visits to Sacramento became routine. Although I wasn't sure how I felt about her boyfriend, Eli, I tried to be nice to him as he was nice to me, almost too nice. They met outside of the health clinic where my mom sought counseling. Eli worked across the street from the clinic at the hospital, delivering babies. I could only imagine how their first conversation went.
Then my annoyance with my mother turned into hate, unruly, when I met Rob.
Rob was Eli's son, and they came as a packaged deal since his mom hit the dirt for reasons unknown to me. I really didn't care. I'm ashamed to say I even felt good that he had lost his mother, too. But my short-lived victory was always crushed when I saw how my mom treated him. He had my mom instead.
Awkward is the appropriate word to use for atmosphere at the "greeting dinner" she gave us when we met. I glared daggers at his cute button face while he blushed and pretended not to notice. She called him "Sweetie" when she asked him to pass the potatoes. I quickly realized she'd stopped calling me sweetie months ago.
Not only did this little jerk steal my mother, but he was all she could talk about over dinner. Robbie this and Robbie that. If there were cheese at the table, I would've passed it to her. I felt completely betrayed. Did she want a new son? Was I not good enough?
I sure as hell didn't want to stick around to find out. I called my dad the same night and begged him to pick me up first thing in the morning. I was sure to get rid of any traces of tears before he got there. I didn't come back for two months. In those two months, I replayed in my head the awkward dinner. All I could think about was Rob; the lanky kid was a few inches shorter than me, with short hair and a small voice. A cute kid any mother would love. I guess my mom was sick of my thick curly hair and breaking pubescent voice.
That's when I realized she was my mom - MY mom. I loved her and there was no room for competition, because there was no competition. I wasn't going to sit around and let this Eli and his Robbie take my mother’s attention. Again, I overreacted, but I felt threatened and I didn't know any better. If Eli and little Rob wanted my mother, they'd have to put up with her asshole son. Did I mention Rob was in the fifth grade?
She had called twenty-six times in those two months; I returned the twenty-seventh, apologizing for not coming over. She apologized for not mentioning Rob before and "not realizing how much of an impact he would be in my mind."
I hung out with Rob that weekend, to gather dirt. He had a strange personality. Sometimes he'd be this happy, playful kid, others he was moody and sad. He would cut himself off from everyone during times like that; he wouldn't talk to anyone for days. It didn't take me long to realize he was as queer as a bag of Skittles. I wondered what our love-struck parents would think about that. Of course, they were only suspicions, but that didn't stop me from ragging on him every time we were alone. That became every other weekend when Eli asked my mom to move in with them. He stopped trying to be my friend after that. It didn't take very long to break him - he was weak. I made him cry twice, and he even hit me once. Eli wasn't too happy about that - he made him apologize in a letter. In it, Rob said I was "hard to understand." I'm sure that was code for "biggest fucking jerk on Earth."
We were enemies for three years, but then I more or less grew out of my asshole phase as my dad became too sick to throw any new techniques at me. Oh, and Rob went through puberty and got way bigger than me.
Recently I've been allowed to decide if I want to visit my mom or not during the school year, as long as I stay more than one month during summer break. I’ve bonded with Eli as I’ve matured. He’s as strange as Rob sometimes, but I want to like him so bad, I just go along with whatever he wants to do. He takes me fishing and bowling, the usual father/son stuff I never did with my dad. Rob isn't too thrilled about me bonding with his dad. He still hates me and hasn't spoken one word to me in six months. He hasn't looked at me for eight. "Rob sends his regards," my mom says before my dad's funeral service began. Sure he did.
I stiffen as my Dad's business partner pulls me into a tight hug as the small crowd around us disperses from the grave site. "Your father was an honest and true man."
"Yeah, thanks," I mutter, patting him awkwardly on the back. What was his name again?
Three other people I hardly know form a small line in front of me for hugs and to say something nice about my father, while the rest slowly walk to their cars, whispering and looking back at me.
I don't get what the big deal is. I knew he was dying; I've had a long time to prepare for this. So what if I'm not a crying mess like Tammy, my dad's gold-digging girlfriend, or teary-eyed like my Mom? If anyone here really knew my father, they should know he raised me better than that. My fan club gave up.
"Can I ride with you, Carol?" I’ve taken to calling my mother by her first name. She tries to seem okay with it, but I know she doesn't like it. I don't like hurting her feelings, but it's just a habit, I guess.
"Sure, honey. I don't want you riding in that Hurst with that awful woman, anyway."
"Why didn't you say that in the first place? I almost drowned in Tammy's river of tears coming down here."
"I just wanted to give you your space, honey. Listen, I know you're angry with me right now, but-"
"I'm not angry with you, it's just I'd rather be independent than-"
"You're still too young to be independent, sweetie."
"Dad didn't think so."
"He only left you his house because he thought he'd live long enough to see you turn eighteen."
I cut her off again. "That's not true. Look, I can survive on my own, okay? He knew that, he even left me money for pizza!" I try to make her smile, but it doesn't work.
"Which you won’t get until you're eighteen." Her face is like she's just seen a puppy being slaughtered. It’s the face of a mother whose son finally doesn't want to be with her.
"I can not eat for a couple months." I know I’ve already given in, but I keep a hard face.
"Bradford! I will not allow my son to starve in a completely different city, in a big house, all alone!" Her face is flushed.
"You'll lend me some money then?"
"I could always get into hustling or selling drugs, Mom..." I trail off as she turns and stomps to her car like a child. I quickly follow, not wanting to be left in a field of dead bodies and gravediggers.
She drives me back to my dad's house - or my house, rather - and parks in the driveway. She makes no attempt to get out. I stare at the empty brick house and imagine what it would be like to live alone. I could walk around naked, play music so loud the walls and windows shake. I could invite all my friends and the hottest girls over, and we could drink and get high without me worrying about my dad's hidden cameras and random drug tests. I could get the hottest girls in school to come over and I could take them on every surface, in every room in the house.
But this could all go wrong. The asshole neighbors could call the cops and we could get busted and serve time. I could get every hot girl in school pregnant and be forced to pay child support with my trust fund, rather than get that new video game system that comes out next year like I’m planning to. I could get some sexually transmitted infection from one of the hottest girls in school and become some social outcast. Or I could smoke the wrong cigarette and get cancer like my dad, and I'd forever be known as that horrible, unemotional jerk son of that hot-shot lawyer, who did hard time rather than taking care of his babies, went to cancer treatments all the time and rubbed soothing gel on that nasty yellow thing on his balls for the rest of his life!
I give myself way too much credit. "Look Mom, I don't feel comfortable intruding in your new home with Eli."
"You wouldn't be intruding." Her eyes hold a sparkle of hope that I'd agree to go with her to Los Angeles. "We love you, and we would love for you to be a part of our new home." Eli had joined a new practice in Los Angeles, and with his new salary he could make a beeline for retirement faster than he had originally planned.
I think it over. I could have a new room, go to a new, bigger school with hotter girls, in a town with better concerts and famous people everywhere. It would be an experience...
"Are you sure Eli wouldn't mind-"
She cuts me off. "Of course not, Honey, he even suggested it before I could."
"And Rob?"
"He wouldn't mind..." Her voice loses its sudden confidence.
"You haven't even told him, have you?" Her face answers my question. "Sure he wouldn't mind, because he wouldn’t notice I'm even there."
"He'll come around. He'll give you a chance, like you're giving him, to be friends."
"Yeah, right." We sit in silence for a few minutes. "Three months," I turn to her, her face confused, "’til I'm eighteen, then I come back here."
"That's ridiculous, what about school?"
"I can do a temporary thing... or something..."
"Longer, at least until you finish your senior year. That would be much easier, Sweetie. You could even stay in Sacramento with Rob and I while Eli settles things in LA," she begs. "Please, I'll cook your favorite homemade pizza every night."
I let out a heavy sigh. "Fine, but don't expect me to-" I can't get out my conditions before Carol’s squealing deafens me in my left ear.
Rob Bourdon could lecture a graduate class about the meaning of the term "cold shoulder."
He doesn't look too surprised to see me sitting on a temporary lawn chair in the bare living room eating take out, but I do hear him ask Carol what the hell I’m doing here. When she breaks the news, I swear I can hear his temper break as well and I honestly fear for my life as I clutch my plastic fork.
"I don't fucking think so!" His voice echoes through the nearly empty house.
"Don't you swear at me, mister!" I have to laugh; I always do when she hisses "mister" at anyone. But of course I stop laughing when Rob rounds the corner, face blood red.
"You think this is funny?"
"Robert," Carol warns.
He immediately inhales to calm himself. "Listen, I know you lost your father and that kinda sucks."
"But?" I don't mean for it to come out as a squeak.
"But you can't come with us. We have everything planned perfectly and those plans don't involve you," he spits. "I don't like you; I think you're an asshole and an all-around bore."
Sweet, I've never heard that one before. "That sounds about right."
"No it doesn't!" Carol raises her voice, "Rob, we've already settled this and there's no getting around it. Your father thinks it's a good idea. So grow up and stop acting like a child!"
"I am a child!" Never heard that one, either. He turns back to me and changes his strategy. "Why would you want to come with us, anyway? Aren't you eighteen? You're not a child, you could stay up north. I know about your trust fund, don't you want to stay here? You won’t have to go through the hassle of signing up for a school where you don't know anyone. And you're so small that everyone will think you're a freshman! I hear they beat up the freshmen down there!"
"I think that’s everywhere," I correct him.
After about five more minutes of arguing, Rob gives up and says, "Fine, just don't expect me to kiss your ass like everyone else. I'll stay out of your way, and you stay out of mine."
I can live with that, I suppose. "Deal." I don't get a response as he leaves the room, and that’s when I realize it’s time to reset the clock on how long he would go without acknowledging me.
I’ve counted four days so far. In those four days I’ve managed to pack everything I want to take to LA with me, hunt down all my friends for a goodbye joint, and find my Dad's business partner to help me decide what to do with the house. He suggests I get my Mom to help me renovate and sell it, since I can trust her and realty is her thing. That’s her favorite part of the four days.
Rob's favorite has to be that I’m forced to sit beside a complete stranger on the short flight to Los Angeles. While he and Carol sit together in first class, I am stuck with a last minute ticket in coach beside some weird looking dude that stinks of rotten eggs. I swear there’s a smirk of satisfaction on his face as I tell them about my flight, but I can't be sure as his eyes have been glued to the passing scenery for the past twenty minutes.
My favorite part is definitely seeing Eli again; I haven't seen him in a while. He was telling me about what he had done to the house and how I had two options for my room. I already know which one I want though. Carol had warned me that he had gotten a little too excited when he learned I would be coming to live with them, and painted the downstairs option my favorite color blue.
After my heart grew two sizes bigger, I just nodded and said, "Cool."
My head jerks up when the car stops outside of a big... yellow house. Flowers of every color line a garden bed on either side of the front door. This house sticks out like a sore thumb among the brick buildings around it. Everyone (minus Rob) looks at me for my approval.
"What do you think, Brad?" Eli pulls the keys from the ignition, waiting patiently for my reply, as Carol admires her new home and Rob stuffs his music player and a novel into his black duffel bag on the floor.
"This is your new house?" I hope I don't sound too... grossed out. I struggle to find the right words, "Well, uh... it's big," I nod, "and um, really yellow. The flowers are nice and the grass looks almost too perfect to be real..."
"And the house? You like the house?" Carol pushes.
"Well, actually it's kind of... um-"
Rob cuts me off. He turns in his seat, looks me right in the eyes, and raises one eyebrow expectantly.
Rob and I have our first day of school five days after the official move and four days after I find out he has a car and is now in the same grade as me. Rob, a sixteen year old Sasquatch, has a car. Not just a car though - an SUV, and no one thought to tell me! I could deal with the fact that he skipped a grade and was probably... definitely smarter than me, but to be younger with a car? And we share a parent!
"You know how your father felt about you having a car," Carol says.
"Yeah, he told me to grow up, get a job and buy my own!"
Then she goes on about how if she had told me, I would've whined about how he got a car before me. Why would I do that?
"How do you feel about Art II?"
"Nope. Took that my sophomore year."
"Fashion Merchandising?"
"Um... no."
"Chorus I?"
"Are you kidding me?"
"Brad, don't be so picky," Carol sits beside me in the registrar's office while he calls off available classes. I get the same classes I had back in Oakland, all but one. Weightlifting is full, and I have no complaints about that.
"Well Bradford, I'm afraid the only two options left are Finance I, with mostly freshmen I should warn, and Trigonometry."
"Trig please."
"Oh, he's so smart," my mom raves. Yeah, sure I am. She probably says that to Rob every other minute.
"Excellent," Mr. Registrar is the short and stubby type. He seems intelligent enough for a better paying career; he has at least three different degrees and numerous framed certificates mounted on the wall. I like him much better than the principal I met earlier; now he’s a jackass.
He tells me the school would provide counseling if I want, but I decline. I find it strange that I’m even accepted into this 'prestigious' private school on such short notice. It has to cost a fortune for my mom to get me in a fancy school like this. All the famous stars must send their children here. I noticed a Porsche and a few Mercedes in the parking lot. I think I even spotted Rob's SUV... The principal also tells me the President's son attends this school, like he’s 'the main attraction' or something.
"The president of what?" I stupidly ask.
"The United States..." The principal laughs it off, but I can tell it’s forced. I remember hearing about the President's son being involved in some sort of sex scandal a while back. Apparently, he's a sex-addicted meth-head whose standards were as low as my pants... without a belt.
But I'm sure the President has more than one son, usually you can't get anymore boring, always having to be the perfect example for young America. Let's pray I'm going to school with the person I'm hoping for, then.
I snap out of my daydream when the registrar speaks again. "Will you be starting today or would you like to wait until Tuesday?"
I blurt out "tomorrow" at the same time as when Carol says "today".
She snaps her head towards me. "Today!"
"Mom, don't you think I need a little time to adjust? I still forget where I am when I wake up in the morning." I at least try to put some emotion in my words, but it’s way too early in the morning for that.
"I don't think so, you're starting today! So I want you to go to the restroom, wash your face because you barely look awake, and get ready to learn!"
"Okay, okay! Gosh..." You'd think I'd get a little sympathy around here, my Dad kind of died two weeks ago.
I don't even ask for directions to the restroom as some secretary with huge breasts leads the way to Computer Applications II, the class every senior wants to take for the easy exams and extra credit.
This school is way bigger than my last one; I counted four buildings on the way in. The ceilings are higher and the windows are bigger, letting more natural light in to blind everyone into alertness. Where there weren't tiny blue lockers there were murals, the blue and white ones screaming school spirit, and most others illustrating the many cultures of the world. Some students scatter the empty halls when they see us coming. Don't they know skipping class is so nineties? Maybe my Dad just told me that to make me feel silly for getting caught smoking pot on the football field.
"Here we are - room 319. Go on in, and have fun!" Her chipper voice annoys me. As I walk in, I briefly wonder where Rob is and how his class is going. I feel ten times more intimidated by him ever since I found out he was kind of a genius. He’s probably working towards his fucking medical degree in room 413 or something.
Then I briefly wonder how the hell I'm going to get home.
"Hello." A black man in a green button-down and slacks waves me over to a desk on the right side of a classroom, full of occupied computers.
I awkwardly walk over and hand him the schedule the registrar gave me, assuming that’s what he’s reaching for since I didn't bring anything else but a notebook, pen and empty messenger bag.
"Ah, Brad. I was given the heads up about you just yesterday. I'm Mr. Love," He chuckles, for no apparent reason. Thank the Lord above he didn't use my whole name; I got enough crap for it in Oakland. "This is Brad, everyone!" I look over the students. The ones whose eyes are glued to the screens that aren't visible where I stand are obviously surfing the net. The rest look me over and greet me with an almost excited "hello." I give a weak smile.
"So Brad, since your last name begins with 'D' you'll be sitting next to..." is he serious? "...Frances." He gives me a look as to say 'I feel sorry for you... oh well.'
"Oh whatever, Mr. Loveboat!" Assuming this was Frances, I head her way and take the empty seat next to her.
"Any questions, Brad?" Mr. Love asks, completely ignoring Frances.
"Um... yeah, why are we sitting in alphabetical order?"
There’s a swarm of agreement across the room. "Exactly," the loudest voice says, "it's for kids, Mr. Love."
"I know, Mike-"
Frances cuts him off, along with my right eardrum. At least it’s even now. "Ooh, he just implied that you were a little kid!"
"Shut up!" Mike, I assume, yells out, followed by a few laughs. The seats are so low, I can't see over the screens at the students across from me.
"Okay kids, that’s enough." What an idiot. "Frances, please explain to him what's going on without hurting him." He turns back to his desk.
"Sure... Brad, right?" She doesn't give me time to answer. "So basically we're studying for a small test online. We're supposed to have one every other week; they're really easy though, just like Computer Apps I. I guess since it's your lucky day, you get to do whatever." She shrugs and turns back to her computer. She pulls up some online apparel store and looks through the shoes. I think I said no to fashion merchandising.
She’s a pretty girl; huge, curly hair like me, but longer and... girly, caramel skin and freckles. Before I get caught staring I start up my own computer. She catches my attention again when she giggles.
"What's so funny?" Was there something on my face?
"She's always laughing; just ignore it like I do." A guy sitting on my other side advises without looking away from his screen. I hadn't even noticed him before. He looks like your stereotypical nerd; greasy hair, huge glasses, and a t-shirt that said "Star Wars."
"Whatever, Cox." She uses her fingers to quote him, "Can you believe he told Mr. Love I was 'bothering' him? I had to move here, like he can't see me out of the corner of his glasses." She starts laughing uncontrollably. I guess she realizes that statement didn't make much sense.
"Yeah," is all I can say.
After a few minutes, Mr. Love tells everyone to turn their computers off and hands out the shortest test I've ever seen, before saying what every teacher says before tests. "There will be no cheating or talking while testing. If you have a question, raise your hand and I'll help you. Good luck!"
Ten seconds into the test Frances stretches over her screen and loudly whispers, "Hey Olivia! What’s the answer to number one?" Everyone laughs, and I can't help but to chuckle a little.
"Quiet!" Mr. Love shouts halfheartedly.
After the test is over there are about fifteen minutes left of class, so we have "free time."
Frances immediately turns to me. "Which hand do you wipe with?"
"Um... why would you want to know?"
"Let’s say you wipe with your right hand, but it gets chopped off by your cousin or whoever. It would be pretty darn hard to learn to wipe your ass with your left hand." She says all of this seriously.
"Well, how would you pull your pants down in the first place?"
She seems to be deep in thought of my challenging question when some guy walks over. At the same time, another guy sitting on the other side of "Cox" says, "Perfect answer, my friend."
The guy that walked over sits on Frances's lap and asks, "Are you okay, man? My friend here is kind of crazy in the head." His smile is bright and friendly. His eyes are big and his messy hair suits him.
"I'm good, except that ass-wiping question was really... out there."
"She asked you the ass-wiping question? Dammit, I came too late," he laughs and looks past me to the guy next to Cox and says accusingly, "why didn't you do anything Chaz?"
‘Chaz’ shrugs and smiles while clicking buttons on a small cell phone. "Brad here could be a complete asshole, I don't know him." From what I can see he wore a white v-neck t-shirt and black pants. His skin is pale, hair short and dark brown, nails polished. There’s a tattoo peeking from under the sleeve of his shirt. I try to think of where I could've seen him before, because he looks awfully familiar, but not out of it enough to be a crystal meth addict.
He looks at me, "Just kidding dude, I'm Chester." He intentionally swipes his hand across Cox's face when he reaches to shake mine.
"Brad. And it's okay, if it makes you feel any better you're right, so you won't have to save me." Rob would agree.
"Sweet." he chuckles, turning back to his phone. His name sounds familiar, but that could be because Rob had a pet raccoon named Chester when he was fourteen. It was road kill when I backed onto it in the driveway when I was practicing for my license.
"I'm Mike, by the way," the guy in Frances' lap shakes my hand next, "I sit in the 'S' section across the room."
"Yeah right!" Frances adds, "You're the only 'S' - the Shit section!" she laughs again.
"Well at least I didn't get moved for harassment." he nods toward the guy beside me.
"That's because you're sitting beside people who wouldn't mind talking to you."
He grabs a handful of her hair and smushes it in her face, "Yeah, whatever. So Brad, what classes do you have today?” I pick up my schedule that is slightly hiding under the keyboard and hand it to Mike. He and Frances looked it over.
"When's lunch?" I have to ask before I get any bad news.
"After third period, unfortunately. We should totally get a snack break between classes." He says in a distracted voice. Chester mutters 'fatass' rather loudly and earns Mike's middle finger, "You have next period with us." I’m somewhat relieved, but still worried 'us' includes dear Frances. "When does Liv have French?" he looks between Frances and Chester.
Frances is the one to answer, "I don't know, you should ask Cox, he's always stalking her, so he should know." she giggles.
We all, including Chester, turn to Cox, knowing he had to hear our conversation; he really didn't have a choice.
He looks around at us, baffled. "I... dunno." His face turns red and it seems his sweat came out of nowhere. Chester and I share a look, his of 'typical Cox' and mine of 'what a freak' before I look back to Mike.
"Yeah... Hey Liv c'mere a sec!" he yells across the room. A girl with shoulder-length dark hair and green eyes comes over.
"What's up?"
"When's your French class?"
"Last, why?"
"Brad here has it, too I suppose."
She smiles at me, "Hi."
Amazing. I get the worst class with a cute girl. My fourth year in a French class and I only know five words. "Hey."
"She hasn't hurt you, has she?" Liv pats Frances on her head.
"Nope, but I can't say what'll happen tomorrow."
The bell rang before anyone gets to respond.
I try to memorize how to get to English from the computer room, but keeping up with Chester, Mike, and Liv was first priority. Either I walk slower than I thought or they were jogging.
"So Brad, what school did you transfer from?" Liv must realize I’m lagging behind because she slows her pace to walk beside me. To hear my answer, Chester and Mike slow down as well, but not as much to walk beside us.
"I went to Ashbrook, up in Oakland."
"Cool, did you like it?"
I notice Mike and Chester share a knowing glance, "Well, it was okay... as okay as any high school can be."
"Gotcha." We’re temporarily separated by a crowd of other students. Some give me weird looks, others didn't look at all. Chester slaps hands with a few guys and even kisses a few girls' cheeks. Mike does the same, minus the kissing part.
We end up in a fairly large and very bright classroom with bulletin boards and quotes from various fictional characters on all the walls. Immediately I notice a huge... arm thing hanging from the ceiling. I ignore it and do the new student thing with the teacher. She gives me two big literature books and tells me to have a seat. I head over to the empty seat behind Liv in the middle of the left side of the room, even though there are several others around my group of new acquaintances. "This seat taken?" I should work on being smooth.
"Nope." She smiles and opens her mouth to say something else, but Chester cuts her off.
"Whose shit is this?” He stands between two desks pointing at the one closest to the front to Liv's left. A black backpack and a thick economics book occupy the seat. I know they’re Rob's the second I see them, he was looking through the economics book at breakfast this morning.
Mike leans over from in front of Liv and shrugs wordlessly.
Chester huffs and sits in the seat behind Rob's things, "Well whoever left their crap has to come and get it eventually, he can't just take someone else's seat! I'll give the jerk a piece of my mind... the nerve of people these days." Rob will tower over Chester, so if I were him, I'd give up now, but I don't say anything. I don't know the guy; he could be a complete asshole...
Mike sighs, "Not today Chaz..." Mike trails off as Rob walks in two seconds before the tardy bell with a stack of papers and what looks like a lock in his hands. He walks to the seat he left his backpack in but abruptly stops before sitting down. He wears black framed glasses and he looks tired, but that doesn't stop his face from cringing at the sight of me. He shakes his head after a few seconds, moves his bag to the floor and sits down, shuffling through the stack of papers. I can't believe that over the past five years the tables have turned so much that he can simply look and me and make me feel stupid.
I can't see Liv's face, but Mike throws her a look of confusion, and then looks past her to me. I roll my eyes and shrug. No way would I tell them about Rob when he's two feet away, besides, what was I going to say? ‘Oh, he's just my Mom's husband's super smart son who hates me for calling him a faggot when we were younger...'
I just keep my mouth shut and open the smaller of the two books the teacher gave me and follow along on the page she told us to turn to and read. After a couple minutes of silent, boring reading I wonder what happened to Chester's wrath and why he hadn't told Rob off yet. I look over at him, he’s sat in the same position he was in when he was pissed, arms and legs crossed, desk clear, except he looks uncomfortable, the total opposite of his poised form in computer class. His arms are strained and his leg does that nervous bouncy thing. He bites his lip as if he were deep in thought... Okay either he’s really deep in thought or he was staring at Rob a little too much.
He stays that way through the class discussion and short essay, until the end of class when everyone starts talking and putting their books away. Good thing we can finish the essay for homework or he would be screwed. The teacher doesn't seem to mind Chester's distraction as she walks by everyone's desk and says nothing about his empty desk.
Mike's talking seems to snap Chester out of his daydream, but maybe that's because he’s talking to Rob.
"I've never seen you around here before, are you new?"
"You could say that." I haven't heard Rob's friendly voice in years. He stands as the bell rings and slightly stretches.
"Awesome, two in one." Liv adds and shares a smile with Mike who turns to Chester with a sly smile.
"Sure is, isn't it Chester?"
Chester jumps a little at the mention of his name. He blushes and stutters, "Uh... y-yeah..." Rob gives him the same look I gave Cox earlier. He grabs his backpack and leaves with a forced sideways smirk and a small wave goodbye. He makes eye contact with everyone but me.
As soon as he is out of sight Chester hisses at Mike, "Mother fucker! Why did you do that?"
"Do what exactly? Try to include my best friend in a conversation-"
"You know exactly what you did!"
"-with what seemed to be the second new kid we've seen today? Sorry, I'll completely ignore you next time."
Chester grabs his beige messenger and huffs out of the room.
We stand and leave the room, headed in no particular direction. Liv throws Mike an annoyed look, "What? He can't get away with being that obvious..." he laughs.
"Whatever, where to next, Brad?"
I suddenly remember I have no idea where I am and slid my handy schedule out of my pocket, "Looks like... Trig, 406."
"So did you know that guy, Brad?" Mike asks, ignoring the change of subject. He must’ve noticed the look Rob gave me.
“He’s my... step-brother.” I never actually thought of a technical name for him.
I find my way to the cafeteria easily where I meet Mike and Frances in the pizza line. I can smell the marinara sauce and my mouth waters. I buy two slices of cheese pizza and follow my new friends outside to two long lunch tables, obviously pulled together to accommodate a large group. Frances and I sit on either side of Chester in the center of the tables; Mike and Joe, who I recognized from my snoozeville Trig class, are next to me. I’m introduced to him and the people at the other end of the table. Two looked younger than us - Nikko and Amy - and the other one who remained silent looked like he should've graduated seven years ago.
"Why are you so down in the dumps Chazzy?" Frances rubs his back.
He still looks annoyed as he says in a regretful tone, "My outfit isn't amazing today of all days, the day the hottest guy I've seen in forever comes strolling into class. He sat right in front of me... He smelled like vanilla," he glares at everyone who let out exasperated sighs and sucked their teeth.
"You can always try again tomorrow, babe."
"Yeah, but... "
The guy I was introduced to as Nikko speaks up, "Well Chaz, based on what Mike told me in art class, you made a complete fool of yourself in front of the other new guy, so if I were you I'd give up all together." His smile is smug.
"You're such an ass, Nikko."
"You've never complained before, and I'm sure you won't be complaining the next time you're trashed." Nikko winks.
"Yeah, keep dreaming." I can't tell if they’re joking or not.
"Anyway, I've seen him, and he's pretty fucking sexy if you ask me..." Nikko pauses as Mike, Frances and I laugh, I almost choked on my cheese pizza. "What? What's so funny, guys?"
Mike answers, "Why don't you guys just ask Brad if he's seeing anyone and battle it out. They are related or whatever..."
They both instantly turn red, Nikko looks embarrassed and Chester asks... well, yells "Related?"
"So you guys are brothers or what?" Joe is clearly confused.
"Step-brothers, actually, but you didn't hear it from me." I briefly think about what it would be like to have gay friends. I didn't know of very many in Oakland, although there was one guy in sophomore year.
Jack was a senior with soccer and baseball scholarships in his future. Every guy wanted to be him (including me for a while) and every girl wanted to fuck him or date him, depending on their standards. He was the kind of guy that if he failed an exam the teacher would cut him some slack, because everyone liked him. He didn't think that would change when he came out, but it did. Every guy on the soccer team complained that they wanted him gone, naturally every girl moved on to the next heart throb, and most of the teachers were instantly turned off. Yet he was happy, he told me one day in detention, because he was himself, and he wouldn't let high school politics change that. I respected him for it, and that was around the time when I realized I should respect my step-brother, too.
With the exception of the sports aspect, Chester reminds me of Jack; unashamed. The difference is that Chester seemingly found a way to be happy and have a million friends at the same time. I can see him and I being friends. But it's going to be a little hard to forget that 'hottest guy I've seen in forever,' love at first sight weirdness from earlier, maybe because it’s Rob. I can sense some history between he and Nikko, that or Nikko is just a creep... a gay creep.
Liv catches my eye as she walks over, deep in conversation with none other than Rob and two other guys. He slows his pace when he sees me, but recovers quickly as if he didn't. Joe introduces me to Dave and Kevin. Kevin's eyes are bright against his dark skin; he has the face of a model and the build of a football player. Dave is short and hides his hair under a hat.
In this huge school, Rob and I managed to make the same friends, great.
Dave and Kevin sit at the end of the table across from Joe, Liv in front of me, and Rob beside her chewing on French fries. I feel a little bad for Chester as he uncomfortably picks at his nail polish, avoiding looking up at 'the hottest guy he's seen in forever' right across from him.
Everyone silently looks between Rob and me; are they looking for a magic trick?
"What is it?" I had to ask.
"Well there's this thing called text messaging and it works really fast..." Kevin suggests before Frances answers my question.
"Oh, nothing, it’s just kind of cool having a live action episode of Dr. Phil obviously about to start up after this commercial break of silence." Frances offers, earning a few laughs and confused grunts.
"So, Rob, you looked a little... surprised to see Brad in English this morning, what’s up with that?” Mike ends the commercial break .
Rob eats a fry before he answers. "Well, it was just weird ya know - I've never taken Brad as the advanced type, let alone Honors English." He takes the first shot.
Everyone, including me, sits in a shocked and confused silence for a moment. I freeze, my second slice of pizza does as well, stopping mid-air, "What's that suppose to mean?"
"You now what I mean." His nonchalant attitude makes me grimace. He’s trying to embarrass me, and it’s working, but I refuse to argue. I harden my face in record time thanks to years of practice. Of course he doesn't notice because he in't looking at me.
Realizing the atmosphere is a little heavier than sibling rivalry, Liv changes the subject. "So do you like this school better than the one in Oakland?"
"It's more entertaining, that’s for sure." I smirk at Frances, who is stroking pizza crust suggestively in Chester's red face.
Liv looks to Rob for his answer. "I wouldn't know, I've never been to Oakland." He flashes his white teeth at her and she blushes.
"But Brad said earlier that..." she trails off, unsure of how to respond.
Before Rob could embarrass me anymore, I just end the topic with, "It's a long story."
Chester corners me by a set of lockers after lunch, Frances watching in amusement. He wears a determined yet crazy look on his face. Maybe he is into crystal... "Brad I love your top, did I tell you that already?"
"Yeah thanks, black t-shirts are really fashion-forward these days."
He ignores my sarcasm, "How has your day gone so far?"
Frances cuts to the chase, "Please just tell him everything about Rob before we're late!"
Dumbstruck, it takes me few seconds to respond, "Uh... as weird as it might sound to you, I don't know much."
"What do you mean you don't know much?" Frances is baffled, "He's your brother! Unless... you're long lost brothers recently reunited by fate... Or you're not brothers at all, and you guys are just lying to us because you're under witness protec-"
"Shut up!" Chester silences her before she could get anymore ridiculous, and then turns back to me, "What do you mean you don't know much?"
"Well, we've never really gotten along. It's mostly my fault though; I'll be the first to tell you that."
He doesn't seem to care about the back story, "What kind of girls is he into?"
What? "Huh?"
"Women, what's his type?"
"Pussy," Frances adds.
"Erm... well,"
"Trick question, he's gay, isn't he?" he beams.
"Not that it would matter, I've seen him convert guys, you know." Frances informs me.
At this point, I’m not sure what to do: out the possibly schizophrenic guy that lives with me who wouldn't think twice about smothering me in my sleep, or leave it up to Chester to find out for himself.
But that wouldn't be fun at all, would it?
"I'm not sure... but let’s just say he has all of Clive Owen's movies on DVD."
"Who?" Frances blurts out.
Chester almost squealed as he turns to walk away, but I stop him, "Hey Chester," I try to think of a polite way to ask, "What's your last name?"
He shoots me a disapproving look before giving me an obviously practiced speech, "Yes, my dad is the President, no I'm not addicted to crystal meth, I was caught with pot and the story just got twisted. I'm not into witchcraft, breeding chickens to sacrifice, and I haven't even thought about sex in three weeks... before today."
"Okay, you could've left that last part out, but that's cool."
With the biggest smile on his face, Chester hugs me and runs off just as the warning bell sounds, Frances does the same.
I make it to French with 10 seconds to spare, and I search the room for Liv, spotting her brilliant brown hair in a sea of bleached blonde instantly.
I follow Liv out to the student parking lot and almost double over in shock to see Rob and Chester intensely conversing by what I assume to be Chester's car. He is leaning on a black convertible flirtatiously, eyes focused on Rob's face as he says something to him. Mike, Joe and Dave stand a few cars away, watching the scene conspicuously.
Preparing myself for potential embarrassment, I boldly walk up to them. "Rob, could you-"
Of course he cuts me off, "What? Can't you see I'm talking to someone here?" Chester flashes me a quick smile, and quickly goes back to looking serious when Rob looks to him again.
"Well seeing as though I have no idea where we live, I hoped you would tell me, because I know you have no intention of taking me in that waste of money car my mom got you." I can't help but be bitter; I still haven't gotten over that.
He rolls his eyes, "She told me to take you home."
"Oh... fine." I walk away before he can tell me to fuck off. I go straight for Mike. "What's up with that?" I motion my head towards Rob and Chester.
"According to Joe here, they had a little love connection in Economics." Mike snorts.
"I didn't say that," Joe corrects, "I said one minute Chester's enjoying the view, and the next they're deep in conversation about an increase in sales taxes or something."
Dave snorts, "That’s weird, I didn't think Chester knew anything about the economy."
"He is in Economics class, dumbass," Mike playfully punches his arm, "I've never seen him like this before, usually when he's into someone... well he'd be into him by now." they share a laugh.
When I’m sure I’m not going to puke my pizza, I add, "Maybe they're just friends for now," my suggestion is more of a question. I look back to Rob and Chester, Rob is still talking, slowly backing away, throwing Chester his ladykiller, or in this case, guykiller smile. I couldn't hear what he was saying, but then his eyes turn to me. "Come on!" he yells, earning the attention of half the student population. Chester is already pulling out of his parking spot.
"See you guys," I weakly wave, and take my time walking to Rob's waste of money SUV.
At dinner, I tell Mom and Eli all about my day. I tell them about my weird and boring teachers, the borderline A.D.D., but super cool girl I sat next to in first period, how it took forever to get from one class to the other, and the random amputated beast arm I saw in English.
Of course Rob has to cut in, "Let's not leave it to you to know anything about Beowulf. It's only one of the most studied and celebrated classics in English."
Like anyone with a life would know that.
The next day at school, everything goes pretty much the same, except Chester is less nervous around Rob. They don't speak much, just a few silent, intense stares like in the parking lot. Everything runs smoothly for almost three months. Rob and I have short arguments like normal, usually they happen on the ride home where he can't ignore me, I get use to Frances' random outbursts, and I hang out with Mike, Joe, Dave, and sometimes Chester a lot outside of school.
Now, it’s Thursday, two days before Kevin's birthday party, and no one will shut up about it.
Liv, Frances and Chester constantly discuss what they’re going to wear while Dave suggests what brand of alcohol he can steal from his Dad's 'collection.'
We are one short at the lunch table, but no one seems to care as it’s the silent guy that never says anything anyway. Five minutes before lunch is over, I see Cox almost run to the table. He looks really alert today, and really pissed. I don't think anyone else saw him coming, but all I can get out before he shoves Rob hard into the wooden table is "Um..."
Rob gasped as he knocked over his bottled water, soaking his and Chester's economics papers. Everyone turned to the guy with shocked expressions as Rob yelled, "What the hell is your problem?" Some kids across the yard got a little closer.
Cox looks like he is going crazy, almost close to tears as he almost laughs, "You think you can just show up here, our last year, and everything would be like it was at your old school? Screw you!"
Mike goes to stand by Cox, "Look dude, calm down and tell us what's wrong."
"I don't even know what you're talking about." Rob adds, while Chester blows on his essay, trying to save what hasn't bled and smeared across the page.
"You're not even a real senior! You shouldn't count!"
"I'm number one, okay? Me, and I'm not gonna let some junior push me to second, okay? I haven't worked my ass off for years for second place." Cox scowls. How pathetic.
"That's what has you so upset? You're afraid I'm going to take valedictorian from you? Wow, you've got to be kidding me."
Cox only falters slightly, "Look, asshole"
"No, you look, it's only November, if you want valedictorian, I suggest you work a little harder." The bell rings, but no one moves, not even the crowd that surrounds. They call this a scene? I guess they don't see much action around here... unless they're fighting about grades.
Chester is the first to move. There’s definitely a glare under his sunglasses as he drops the soggy, black smudged notebook paper on the table with a smack and stomps towards the building. He jerks his head to Cox as he passes him, "Thanks for ruining my research paper, fucking jackass."
Some spectators, Frances included, laugh immaturely and follow Chester's lead. The rest of us at the table slowly disperse after Cox speed-walks to the closest building. Some might say to get to class on time, but I think he realized how tall Rob is when he stands up.
Usually when I ask Rob questions, he ignores me or says some sarcastic remark to make me feel stupid, but on the drive home, he seems mellowed out.
"So... does Chester have time to start over on his research paper?"
"It's not due until next week, I think he's just using it as an excuse to talk to me anyway."
Rob knows Chester doesn't really need help with his paper?
"Oh..." Our parents aren't home when we get there. Rob goes straight to the fridge and pulls out a soda, then opens the pantry for a bag of chips. Usually when we get home we'd immediately go our separate ways, me to my room, him to wherever, but today I linger in the doorway. "It's gonna be really awkward in first period tomorrow."
He turns in a strange slow motion and looks at me like I’m out of my mind, "Okay..."
"Cox sits between Chester and I," He nods as he pops his soda open and pours it into a glass. "I'm surprised you haven't yelled at me yet."
"Do you want me too?" He raises his voice slightly, then sighs heavily and rubs his eyes, "Look, I'm really tired..."
"You're not gonna take that kid’s title away, are you?" It was weirdly nice talking to Rob, and I want us to seem normal for a change, so I keep my big mouth open.
"Take it away? So it's my fault my Dad got a better job, and it's my fault I had to go to a new school, and that school just happened to harbor the biggest psycho geek ever? Everyone expects me to fail a few exams just because some nobody dreams of having his own little speech at graduation?"
"No, I didn't say that. It's just he's had to have worked hard to be on top of such a huge class-"
"And I haven't? What makes me so different?"
"You're the total package."
"What?" He creases his eyebrows in confusion.
I silently pray I don't regret saying this later, "Not only are you smart, you have a lot of friends, you're good looking and athletic. Cox is none of those things, people like you have probably made his life hell in school, and being number one will be his way of delivering a big fuck you to all the jocks and cheerleaders that have turned him down all his life."
Rob laughs bitterly, "What the hell is this, a teen movie? How could you possibly make a speculation like that? Are you best friends?"
"No, its just observation and assumption."
"Well you should know smart people don't base their futures on assumption, besides, I don't think we're even talking about this Cox guy anymore. If you're still looking for those three words to leave my mouth after all this time, you're sadly mistaken."
He turns to leave, but I stop him, "Rob, wait when um," I say the first thing that comes to mind, hoping the sincerity is visible on my face. "When I said those things to you, treated you like I did when we were younger, I didn't mean it, alright?"
"Sure you didn't,"
"I was a jerk to you, just like how my Dad was a jerk to me, and that's all I knew how to be,"
"That's just wonderful, Bradford, blame it on your dead father. That's low."
I flinch at his harsh words. It sounds wrong to say, but it’s true. He wouldn't understand.
"It may seem that way to you, but that's just how it was. I mean... I'm not sure how it matters anyway, you're no better than I was back then."
"What's that suppose to mean?"
"You know what I mean," I echo the words he silenced me with weeks ago. I’m tempted to walk away so it would seem like a cool scene from a movie where I'd have the amazing last word, but I'd probably trip and fall. "When you're not ignoring me, you'll say anything to put me down or make me feel dumb. Tell me that's not what I did to you?"
"So what if it is? I can't be a total bitch sometimes?"
"Come on Rob, grow up!" I raise my voice. I suddenly feel tired as I realize I wasn't getting though to him today. "Look, maybe one day when you're older and you've had a bit of life experience, you'll understand, but until then, I'm going to take a nap."
He stops me before I take my third step. "You son of a bitch," his face is full of fury and incredulity. "Life experience? What the fuck do you know about it? You've been cared for, sheltered with your parents for half your life. Both of your parents cared about you.... You don't know anything."
"I don't know what you mean." I want so badly for him to tell me what he’s thinking.
"I mean mind your own fucking business, that's what I mean."
"Still no answer, where the fuck is he?" I've never heard Mike curse before, it’s almost comical.
"Class starts in three minutes."
"I know."
"Well, we can give him a few minutes." Dave and Mike have been repeating the same lines for fifteen minutes. We stand by Mike's car waiting for Chester.
"But he's never this late."
I don't get why Chester being late would upset them so much. Then again, they treat him like a child. Frances, Liv and Joe seem to do the same, always asking where he's going and who's going to be with him. Considering his temper, I'm surprised he hasn't bitten anyone's head off in the past couple weeks.
Just then two black unmarked SUV's pull up and they sigh. The cars are way bigger than Rob's, and the windows are tinted to the point where seeing inside is impossible. Before the first car comes to a complete stop in front of Mike's car, Chester hops out of the back seat wearing an expensive looking suit. He looks pissed.
He walks past us without stopping, Mike is right on his heels. "Where were you?"
"Does it matter? I'm here now."
"Later, I'm going to class." Dave runs off toward the gymnasium. His exit went unnoticed as Mike and I try to keep up with Chester.
"No one's heard from you since yesterday!"
"I'm sorry okay?"
Mike's anger seems to disappear between the parking lot and the building where our computer class is. "You might have called."
We stop down the hall from first period, Chester rolls his eyes in annoyance. "I had to fly to Washington State last night. My dad was giving a speech or something, it was short notice and a waste of my fucking time. The flight back was delayed because of the weather, I haven't even had time to change!"
I break my silence, this is getting way too confusing. "What's the big deal?"
They look at me like they forgot I was even there and let out uncomfortable laughs. The bell rings, "I'll explain later, I'm going to change, tell Mr. Love where we are?" Chester and Mike walk off in the opposite direction of our class.
Still feeling completely in the dark, I go straight up to Mr. Love when I get to class and said "Um, Chester and Mike went to change clothes together."
Onto Part Two