sgspreefeedback [+100/-0]This is my first time ordering from ASOS & SWB,
join only you're comfortable with me and you TRUST me.
May I urge all to read throught the following T&C plssssss)
**No payment by the time cap is reached = NO ORDER**
1. Spree Website 2. Spree Closure
Capped at 200 USD 30th September 2007, 1pm
3. My Contact
4. Payment Details
POSB Savings: 151-24490-4
UOB Current: 137-304-332-5
For IB user, please use your LJ nick when transfer money to me, if not I won't know who have made the payment.
Failure to do so will result in funds being confiscated. Cuz the transaction ref doesn't help at all.
For ATM transfer, please indicate the time and date and amount you have transfer.
Please reply to your thread after you have made payment.
For UOB transfer, please indicate that you are using transferring via UOB.
1st payment: Item Price * Exchange Rate + SGD3/item (shipping)
2nd payment: L.Postage + Top-ups if necessary (Shipping Costs)
5. Distribution of Items
By one mass meetup or through normal/registered postage
(There's a 50cents charged for handling and wrapping on top of local postage)
6. Exchange Rate
1 USD = 1.58 SGD
7. Shipping Details
Direct international shipping from VS to SG
8. Payment
1st payment: Cost of item + $3 per shipping item (as below) + 5%
2nd payment: Topups (if any) + local postage
Item rations are as follow:
0.5 unit: Accessories (eg: necklaces, earrings, belts & clutches)
1 unit: Light tops & Small bags
1.5 units: Shorts & Skirts
2 units: Dresses & Jeans & Medium-sized bags
2.5 units: Big-sized bags
9. Format of Order
Name/LJ Nick: *Don’t leave it blank*
Email: *Don't leave it blank*
Account type & no: *Don't leave it blank*
Item #1
Item Name:
Alternative: (Provide URL, size & colour)
Price in USD:
Item #2
Item Name:
Alternative: (Provide URL, size & colour)
Price in USD:
Total Price in USD: (Item 1 + Item 2) =
Total Price in SGD: [(1.58* Total USD)]+ (No of Item(s) x $3) = [Total in SGD]
Funds Transfer:
From: IB-nick (which is also your lj nick)
To: (IB-nick & Account type & Account no)
Happy spree-ing!!