22 Jan 09

Jan 22, 2009 07:54

Well new prez in office, we'll see where and what happens.
THings are kinda stable for me, though my son being an ass. I know he is a kid, but damn what happened to the boi i sure don't know.
I suspect him to be out the door at 18 and running full speed. he'll most likely end up in jail or a ditch.
I hate to say that but he is so centered on doing his own thing, he quit school, smokes pot, found some beer bottles in room. He is heading for a mess. It kills me and stresses me to think on that.
If he take about a month, he could get his ged and a job and things would be less harsh on him. I don't have an issue with him being him, but he won't make it in the world. He says he got friends but most left because he was a mooch and took without giving. Alot grew up and moved on, the rest he chased away.
Well hopefully he will see the light, I just keep trying
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