My Schedule

Aug 08, 2005 15:53

Ewww...i finally got my schedule! I want to change a class into an out cuz i don't want it anymore...hopefully i'll get it. Well, here's my schedule! :D

1) Orchestra............Mrs. White
2) Economics..........Mr. Preston
3) German 1...........Vacancy(no one yet!)
4) Guitar 1..............Mr. Martinez(he's the one i wanna change...i don't like him much)
5) English 4.............Mr. McWhorter
6) Math TAKS.......Mrs. Graham
7) Pre Calculus.......Ms. Saddler
8) Piano 1..............Mrs. Bickley

Yeah...if you guys ever wanna find me...well, There's my schedule so you can find me. (and get me out of class!!) lol...well, i guess that's it! locker number is C-219. So if you wanna talk to me or something...find me there. Laterz!
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