Nov 29, 2006 01:48
So I went home for Thanksgiving Break and it was the same ol' stuff going on there, mom and dad got on my nerves with their arguing, my brothers were less annoying than usuall.
I defenatly ate my fill though.....God I dont think I have been that full before. So now i cant eat until Christmas. hehe I got a new Abercrombie Shirt from my brother cause he wasnt allowed to wear it cause some random girl bought it for him and his GF didnt like him wearing it or some drama like that. lol he's whipped and he doesnt deny it. I think he knows I'm gay though cause he says random stuff and then walks away. Oh well...
I came home on Saturday cause I was bored. While i was on break though a telemarketing company got my resume and asked if i wanna job. So tomorrow I have an interveiw. I'm excited and I hope I get it. I've been weary of the company since I came here to campus, a lot of ppl work there, but i thought i would be depressed being hung up on all the time. But the job I applied for is inbound calls so I wont have to call ppl. Fun times. I know it isnt the job i was hoping for but I look at it as a way to better my communication skills. Wish me luck...
School is being blech! I think I'll pass everything but I feel so behind. My sound design class is prolly the worst class that I have cause I dont really get it. For the most part every one in there is a theater major so they understand the theater design process. I came into the class only being in High school plays which at the time seamed like something slightly professional but i didnt understand the decision making process that went into it. when every one is discussing thier work and expiriences i feel like they are speaking Chinese becuase I dont understand the language they use to describe things. I like to think I'm a creative person, I really do, but the thought level in the theater department is way high and not what I expected. I have more respect for the students in that department by being in that class and observing.
But one thing i noticed about the class today is that we dont learn by example, we're givin a project to do and expected to do it without any form of what other people have done being shown. And What I find that I am doing is turning my work in late every time because i wanna know what the others are turning in. I think i might email the proff about this oversight sometime because i dont understand how to get some where with there ebing a starting point.
I was just working on my sceduling for next semester and realized that I will graduate in december. Gawd thats nerve racking. I am kinda scared not going to lie. So much is going to happen in the next year and i feel a change is eminent(sp?). I think I'm going to have to revamp my lifestyle a little bit and take some chances that I havent attempted before to better my life so i can make the most of it. I'm sure I'll elaberate on this in another post but youll have to wait for that. but yeah, I am excited about graduating and gtting out of here next year. Any suggestions on where i should go?
Speaking of going places, I am looking for an intership site for next summer. I am so sad not to return to CP(Unless i could get a internship in PR) but I've been setting my sites on Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Toledo Akron and such, I'm leaning toward Ohio thoug cause i know pple there.
Well, I need to get ready for bed. I hope i get this job tomorrow!!! and I'm excited about the weekend. L8er all! -Cody!