Maybe I'll just start using LJ as a place to keep track of my dreams. Le shrug.
So there was this wedding.. And the groom wasn't really the right guy, it was some guy acting like him, and there was this whole like FBI thing going no to make sure nobody caught on.
Then I was told I had to leave to be teleported somewhere and I was like, shit no I want to stay at this wedding, I have 10 hours left ! So I had to sacrafice a kid to take my place. So I picked up this kid who was wearing a purple blanket thing and took her off to this airport like thing, and I stuck in the transport to "HELL" and my dream was over.
To see a wedding in your dream, symbolizes a new beginning or transition in your current life. Dreams involving weddings are generally negative and highlight some anxiety or fear. It often refers to feelings of bitterness, sorrow, or death. Alternatively, wedding dreams reflect your issues about commitment and independence.
To dream of hell, denotes that you may be suffering from a seemingly inescapable situation. You may have placed your decision or course of action into someone else's hand. Alternatively, you may be possessing many inner fears and repressed guilty feelings. It is time to quit punishing yourself and take it easy for awhile.
I just ripped a hangnail off my pinky that I didn't know existed. It was a weird sensation. I think I have anemia. On top of that I am feeling very sick lately. Like, I just may vomit at any given time.