Jan 09, 2005 13:46
holy shat.
On Friday: I made plans with Megan and Aaron to come over and go tobogganing... and when I got home Caitlin said Aaron had come and left and said we would go another time. well pfft. I called him and he said he was at his friend Pauls, this and that, I'd call him later. So Megan came over and I called Aaron again and he said he'd come up to go tobogganing. So we took the boat and it was great. it deflated after like 2 runs but we still took it down. Then after like 2 hours of GOOD times.. we went back to my house and my mom made hot chocolate. Then... Megan and I left with Aaron and Paul to Aarons and they called some friends and found out they were all going to some bar. So we went to the bar. Megan and I got in and drank beer and everything and nobody asked us for ID. It was pretty sweet.
Saturday: Megan left and then came back and we sat around, rented movies, Napoleon Dynamite and Gacy. Aaron came online so we started talking to him and we told him to ask Mike Sheldrake to pick him up and then come over here so we could go tobogganing again... so at 3am, they came over. it was cool to the MAX! Mike was attacking everyone so I face-washed him... only to end in disaster. He tackled me down and was on top of me and I couldn't move and he LOADED the snow in my face. fucking jerk. He said he was going to slide down the hill on me so someone started pushing him and a fucking ton of snow went down my pants. it sucked but it was so fun. I retaliated and facewashed him again and he threw me on the ground, sat on top of me and threw MORE snow in my face. pfftt.
But anyways back to the actual sledding... Megan and I went down in the boat and went STRAIGHT into a ditch! like 5 feet deep! hahahahah!! we got so much air. The boat flipped around and we went flying and Megan landed on top of me and i could hardly breathe cuz I was laughing so hard. it was GREAT!
Aaron and I went down the boat and hit the jump straight on and FLEW through the air. it was awesome until we landed and I broke my tailbone.
Then we went back to my house and watched Gacy.. it was an alright movie. all 5 of us were squished on the couch with blankets and all. it was goodtimes.
Holy god that was actually the best weekend ever. I love snow!!
I'm so bruised.. it hurts to walk.. but it was completely worth it. I want to go again before the snow melts. anyone?