(no subject)

Aug 12, 2009 20:59

We've been sick on and off alot lately, there seem to be 508398 things going around right now. We've probably all got the swine flu and don't know it.
The girls have grown so much in the past few months.
Indigo is determined not to crawl, she's holding onto the furniture and taking a few steps but everytime we put her on her tummy she promptly rolls over.
I think she wants to keep up with her big sister whom she adores and thinks the world revolves around (other than breasts).
She has started saying milk (and actually in context) and attempting to say cat (her other favorite family member).
Lil starts 4yo kindergarten next year, she is so excited. She's going to our local steiner kinder, i'm not a fan of the steiner school as I don't think it fits her personality or learning style but the kinder is wonderful.
She has started writing and reading basic stuff of her own accord, I can't believe that my babies are growing up so fast.
Lil is turning 4 soon!

They are attempting to make homebirth illegal here as of 2010 so most of my time has been taking up going to rallies and doing homebirth activism.
They also just voted to keep gay marriage illegal.
Human rights are moving backwards here, it's fucking ridiculous.
Abortion is probably next to go.
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