Aug 08, 2007 12:24
We have our engagement party on the weekend, lots of excitement.
I am marrying the most amazing woman in the world.
I brought a wedding dress yesterday!
We won't get married for another year or 2 because we are waiting until the next kid is born and if we want a rabbi to marry us there's stuff to sort out.
I also need to get my British passport sorted so we can do the legal side of things.
However, the dress was a $3000-$3500 dress and I got it for $100!
They have stopped making that particular dress and are getting rid of things to make room for new dresses, it's my dream dress as well.
When did I turn so straight?
I'm a lesbian in a classic nuclear family, oh goddess, i've succumbed.
Never been happier in my entire life.
I'm changing my name as well!
Lil already has Danny's last name on her birth certificate (after 2 years she finally is actually about to get a birth certificate if they ever mail it to us).
Danny was in the hospital last week because her bronchitis rendered her unable to breathe (yaye, asthma).
She's doing heaps better now though.
Due to sheer exhaustion we spent the whole weekend fighting, which is the first time in our entire relationship we've fought.
It wasn't fun at all but now that we've had some rest and spent some time together chilling everything is great again.
I'm so exhausted from work last night I think I need to go sit down and eat some lunch.