(no subject)

Jun 28, 2009 12:12

A woman I knew quite well, but with whom I had lost touch; a woman of my age with two children more or less the same age as my own, died last night.

I found myself irritated to the point of breakage with whatever the fuck my kids were watching on the television and I turned it off, saying to them that the most important things in life are not - contrary to the notions the television is trying to indoctrinate them with - NOT about getting through to the next round, having 10,000 people on your friends/followers list, getting more hits on your website, impressing the panel of judges, getting voted out of the House, winning points by eating worms, getting a high score on tetris, drinking till you puke, winning the lottery, maxing out your credit card, being anything other than the weakest link, wowing Alan fuckoffanddie Sugar, driving a 4WD, getting plastic surgery, showing your tits at Wimbledon .. oh, I don't think I need to go on.

What's important and real in this life is your family. That and nothing else.

The implied sub-text was "Because you never know when they might be GONE."
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