guess hu is back????

Dec 02, 2005 13:29

hey guys

ok, i fianlly have internet! woot! so here is an update on what is ahpp-enin 2 me in the last 3 - 4 months!

went 2 uni

am loving uni

joined the army

am loving the army

i actually have joined the army btw, im in Leeds University Officer Training Corps. I can now fire rifles, survive in the great outdoors with very little, sleep under a piece of fabric, ambush the enemy, patrol the area, walk 2 miles in 1/2 hour with a 35lb bergan on my back and a rifle in my hands, secure a platoon harbour and drink beer like a man! it rocks. The drama diva has gone hardcore, lol.

i was wondering the other day, have i changed since being at uni? i can't really tel. I don't think you can change when u r at uni, just circumstances make your persaonality evolve. I mean, essentially, you are the same person, and goin 2 uni doesnt alter the experiences u hav had before uni, so do you really change?

anyway, that is, essentially, months of thought and experiences in a few select lines. Obviously more has actually happened 2 me, and i hope i have thought about more than just this. I just thought i would let you all know that i am still alivbe and have not been struck down by a renegade scally. lol.
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