Jan 19, 2007 02:45
-I got accepted back into UGA (trying to get a genetics degree).
-Less than a minute after being OKed to register I got the one class I really wanted: Molecular Genetics Lab
-I'm also taking Organic Chem II (and the lab). 8 hours overall. Hopefully this will work out. Only taking 8 hours each semester it will take me three semesters. I still don't have a genetics advisor though...
-So far both classes are going alright. I had a very good O-chem week in that I didn't have to go to lab for the second straight week and I am actualy following stuff in class (Biochem has actually helped out!). I'm OK in Mol Gen Lab as long as I read ahead and know what's going on in lab that day. Still have to finish homework for tomorrow though :(
-I am still working at Campus Transit since it is the highest paying job I would be able to get as a student (and they work around class schedules like a mofo). I'm scheduled for about 30 hours a week. The amount that I figured I would need to stay alive without more student loans. I'm on Orbit four days a week (one of my favorite routes) and North South the other day. Late afternoon classes are awesome!
-I did pay for school with a credit card though. I need to get onto applying for financial aid though so I don't have to do that anymore. Interest rates blow balls.
-I am working at the radio station again. Hosting Boiling Point Thursday nights 10pm-12am and a rotation shift 11pm-1am on Sundays. I missed this so much. A very nice plus to being in school again.
-I am still waffling on whether or not to actually finish this new degree. If everything works out in the Genetics Lab I MIGHT have the skills and connections I need to get into grad school. Either way I will have more experience in genetic lab techniques.
-Yesterday I either lost my walkman or it got stolen. This sucks so much. I can't listenm to CDs at work anymore. It might have gotten stolen at Transmet when I went to Happy Hour or it might have been lost somewhere within my house. This is sort of weird though because I was on the cusp of maybe buying an MP3 player. So maybe I should actually do that? Well, I'll try to figure out this weekend because there is no way I'm driving on Monday without any tunes.
-here's hoping things work out...