
Nov 16, 2009 14:17

Dear Yule Goat,

First and foremost, sorry for the slight delay in writing this. Hopefully you haven't been freaking out too much.

Secondly, I want to preemptively thank you for the impending story. I first participated in Yuletide last year, and while not a regular in fandom (my significant other is well on her way to become a bitter old fic queen) I was thrilled with my story. So I'm not entirely a noob, despite the non-fannishness of my journal. Again, I hope this wasn't freaking you out too much.

My squicks are few: death fic, mpreg (except in the Venture Bros. 'verse, where I think it could be used to high hilarity), and unresolved angst/ennui in general. I'm a character caretaker: I enjoy seeing characters that seldom have the opportunity for happiness being happy. I suppose this is pretty clearly reflected in my fandom choices: the underappreciated and oft-insulted worldsaving detective, the bumbling delivery boy with the heart of gold, the failed scientist whose genius is hindered by a thousand insecurities and cynicism. Each of the fics that I desperately want revolves around soothing these terminal narrative oppressions.

In Venture Bros., I really want to see the man behind Dr. Venture's absolutely dissipated personality. We've had glimpses of his past, his abuse at the hands of his father and his awkward, unsuccessful teenagerhood. I don't just want to see him succeed at science: that happens often enough on the show, albeit with morally dubious consequences. I want a glimpse at the Rusty Venture hinted at in the season 3 episode where he unwittingly strays very close to being a villain, and backs away at the last moment. I want to see the Rusty Venture that actually, in some twisted way, cares for his sons. My preference for Brock being in the narrative is twofold: I love Brock, especially the places they've taken him in season 3 and beyond; and he always seems capable of bringing out, if not the best, than certainly the better in Rusty. Again, emphasis on no hearts and flowers and romping bunnies. I think Rusty is a bit too damaged for that. But I want to see him aware of his damage, and to see his ability to reach beyond it. Also, on a purely id level, any Dr. Orpheus would be excellent. He's just that excellent. Also also, not looking for slash.

As for Futurama, I'm afraid that my tastes are rather pedestrian. The show knows (in its more astute moments) that its core is the on-and-off-again Fry/Leela love story. It occasionally runs away with Bender, and then I start to yawn. Fry is an intriguing character to me: the dumb male stereotype with an overwhelming capacity for love. It's his honest, true desire for Leela that makes him so compelling to me; that, and his ability in spite of his own limitations to be ultimately self-sacrificing. Fry is supremely capable despite his shortcomings, and is pretty unique in that. Similarly, I love Leela - total capability meets an underlying vulnerability. She's incredibly intelligent and cool under pressure, but has a pretty traumatic past and a total soft side. This is why I love the idea of Fry and Leela together: their idiosyncrasies have the potential to negate each other. I love it when Leela is all tough commander, great fighter and sensitive orphan: I love it when Fry is self-sacrificing, big-hearted and simultaneously clueless. Porn would certainly be okay, but not required - mainly looking for heartwarming silliness and mutual taking-care-of with a potential dash of angst.

As for Dirk Gently, I find him (and his slightly-to-the-left universe) to be a supremely comfortable place to relax. Dirk is a character that I love in spite of himself: he's a total charlatan in a world where everything (Norse gods, psychics, time-traveling aliens ghosts) are 100% real. As such, I find the Gently 'verse both grounding and exotic. What I'm primarily looking for is a small case file, or a character study involving Dirk and the characters he interacted with in the first two books. I've never been entirely comfortable with how completely the second book completely disregards the character set from the first installment - especially considering how Salmon of Doubt was going to feature return visits from both Kate and Thor. I hesitate to use the term highjinks, but it's sort of what I want - Dirk forced into a completely bizarre scenario that he has to unravel whilst hanging on to reality by the skin of his teeth. Alternately, if this isn't totally to your liking, I'd love some extended character studies - say the inevitable tea date between Dirk, Kate and Thor, or Dirk catching up with the Professor and Gordon from the first book. Character overlap would be appreciated. As for what I'm looking for character wise - Dirk is capable despite himself, but in a totally different way from Fry. I think he desperately wants to believe that the exists in a completely normal, rational universe, but that proof keeps stacking up to the contrary. So Dirk being simultaneously bewildered and competent would be awesome. Really what all this text adds up to is that this fandom is pretty free-form. I don't have a ship, necessarily (beyond Kate/Thor), and would really be happy with almost anything.

Again, thanks much, good luck, can't wait to read your story, and happy Yule!
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