Mar 06, 2009 13:26
Anyone who knows my writing process knows I have a harder time naming my stories/poems/etc. than is probably proper. I've been slogging through my Kelrob/Jacobson manuscript for about two years, and have never gotten around to naming the book; in fact, the lack of title has turned into a weird liminal comfort zone. However, the lady-love and I were bashing around some archaic names for wizards a couple nights back, and I suddenly stumbled over the trilogy-title.
Yup. I'm writing the Magistricide Trilogy. Names for individual books will hopefully follow - I love it when brainstorms just happen.
In slightly less spiffy news, I've been catching a lot of vicarious flak from the crazy fandom Race Imbroglio 2009. The whole thing started with a critique of Elizabeth Bear's Blood and Iron books...which is a shame, since they caught my eye a few months ago and have been on my to-read list since then. As it is, I do have one of her books, All the Windracked Stars, which I got for Christmas from the 'rents...and a prettier hardcover couldn't be found. However, since Bear's crazy-ass rant on her lj, wherein she basically pats fandom on the collective head, denies any wrongdoing on her part, and dismisses fannish arguments as the crazed ramblings of a faceless horde, I've been trying to figure out what to do with the book. Reading it is right out (her post is very Bobby Jindal-esque, with lots of patronizing inflection and infantilizing language); I think we might be shipping it off to an International Literacy organization or something. Try as I might, I just can't throw out a book. I think I'd have a massive yellow pages collection if I didn't live with a slightly more reasonable person.
Pro-writers: stop the fail. Seriously.