I was meant to be out with
hollowfulofhat right now at a comedy evening in Stoke Newington, but I'm not :-( I got up at 6am and I had a really horrible stressful day, and all I wanted to do this evening was curl up and hide from the world. So I am.
I really didn't fancy trying to make my way home from Stoke Newington, though; and I'm not a fan of comedy at the best of times (I know, not a fan of comedy, really! I just don't really get it). I still feel a bit rubbish for it, as I don't like letting people down :-(
The radiator in my room is still stuck on and I'm panicking about it. I have tried turning it off with pliers and a wrench, and with strange contraptions made of superglue and parts from an old toilet seat. It will not turn off. AAAARGH. I can only bear to be in my room when the window's open, it's so hot.
I cannot CANNOT take time off work to stay in for a plumber at any time before, er, mid-March. I'm going to boil to death, aren't I?
Does anyone here know anyone who might have plumbing-type skills I can exchange for beer/food? Or an idea of how you can turn off a radiator whose valve shank has deteriorated almost completely? Anyone? :-(