Aug 25, 2007 10:08
My Dad came up to my house yesterday with a bunch of removal men, and all the furniture I'm taking from Mum & Dad's house. I am now the proud owner of a houseful of antiques, along with the kind of massive, silver, American-style fridge that families with five children dream of. Me! Who lives alone and goes to the supermarket maybe once a fortnight, and eats at home maybe once a week (and by "eats", I mean "has a yoghurt in front of the telly").
Luckily it's super-economical triple-A rated blah blah etc, otherwise you'd be quite right to accuse me of single-handedly melting the polar ice caps.
At some point before I go away, I have to arrange my house into some semblance of order. Right now there is furniture just dumped everywhere, incluing a 3-door wardrobe that didn't fit up the stairs and is now living in my hallway. I will have to take a screwdriver to it at some point, and take it upstairs piece by piece.
But wow! I now have SERIOUS amounts of furniture! I feel very grown-up!
PS Does anyone reading this want my old fridge, which is a perfectly servicable Haier A-rated half-size fridge with freezer compartment? Otherwise it's going on Freecycle when I get back from India. Also, my old washing machine needs a new home too.