Jul 18, 2005 13:30
JULY 16=saturday-woke up at like i dont kno what time then ate colored and sat around watching tv. thinking. but then i was talking to taylor and she invited me over and i went there and we went for a skooter ride! then whitney came over and we went to blockbuster and rented "THE GIRL NEXT DOOR" lmao that movie is hilarious. then we played mario party 5 all night long till i won the game completly. ha. then we watched the movie and pretty much feel asleep.
JULY 17=sunday-woke up from taylors at 9 cuz whitney was leaving and i had to get ready too and then i ate and got ready and at 10:30 i went to danas house and we went to this community service with kelly tricia mike tom kate and jay. the thing we had to do was help out at this picnic for X-crackheads who have babys/kids, some of theses kids were messed up...it was kinda scary but some of the kids were just annoying as hell. it was fun tho we sat there in the hott sun all day. ate candy and fried a raw egg on the cement. :) then after the community service which was only like 5 hours and we got 10 hours each. so thats sweeet i went home and showered and ate and went back to danas house for a bonfire.(with kelly tricia charity phil james scott shuby nick M-kellys man me and dana)i think thats it. we all got bit up and had smores and just chilled around and now as of sunday night kelly has a boyfriend :) then after everyone left at like 11 me and dana stayed out around the bonfire till like 2:30-3 talking. yeahhh. its kinda like that. we talked forever it was so sweet. we talked about everything but yeah. then we came inside and drew pictures of each other. wow never do that again. they were terrible. :) feel asleep listening to the best songs ever. THE EVERGLOW!
Now it is JULY 18....today so far i woke up and found out that i have like a trillion misquito bites. which really sucks...and icthes. so i put nonitch stuff on them. they are all over my legs and feet (cuz stupid me doesnt wear the right shoes. flip flops>>shuda worn tennis shoes.) but me and dana ate and she painted the steps and i sat in the cold air. yessss. but i dont kno if im doing anythign else today yet. AHHHHHHHH. i hate misquitos.(skitoes)
that was my weekend...:) lots of mario party 5 and skitoes