Title: time may change me (but you can't trace time)
Fandom: Life on Mars
Rating: PG
Word Count: 4,350 words.
Notes: Sam/Gene, set 1989. Title from ‘Changes’ by David Bowie. The fifteenth and final full-length part in the
Changes Series (link takes you to the previous parts.)
Summary: "There you are," Sam says, warm and quiet
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And, oh, the visuals. Stubble!Sam and sprawling!Sam, Gene pressing a kiss to his head. The verbal and physical sauciness of Sam, his relentless snarking, now that he's finally confident of where he stands. That it's Sam who leans in for that kiss, and Gene who's acquiescing.
Not to mention the many other lovely touches. So many that it's hard to know where to begin or end. "Kid gloves" and "You're always there to prop me up" and the gorgeous perfection of "It makes Gene's stomach drop, that Sam could believe something he's not even positive about himself."
*hugs story tightly*
P.S. Australia ♥ ♥ ♥
P.P.S. If you ever do a DVD commentary on this story, I'd love to hear your thoughts behind Sam 1.0's conscious vs. unconscious motivations around approaching Sam 2.0 ... because as Gene says, "Sam had always been a manipulative bastard, but not like this. This was cruel." (Or maybe just very, very clever in some weirdly intuitive way Sam was himself wholly unaware of.)
P.S. ;) Had to.
P.P.S. Hmmm. I prefer to let people decide for themselves.
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