Title: Your Code Name is Babalu
Fandom: Psych
Rating: PG
Word Count: 4,240 words.
Notes: Shawn/Lassiter.
Summary: Lassiter is staring at you with a smirk. If you decide to wrap your arms around him, turn to page 24. If you decide to take a step back and hold your hand up for a high five, turn to page 70.
Your Code Name is Babalu )
(The comment has been removed)
I was so close, too. :D
Thanks for the comment also ;)
[/dumb gamer joke]
I'm friending you, btw. Your fic is good, you're show meta is interesting, and you understood my Grue joke. :3
*may suffer a small amount of Zork PTSD*
[/dumb AWESOME gamer joke]
There. Fixed.
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