Show, my show...

May 14, 2008 17:23

American LoM trailer? Two words spring to mind - appallingly bad.

For all my criticism of Matthew Graham, I try to always remember - he is, actually, an exceptionally good writer. Brilliant! He does all kinds of nuanced and interesting things that some writers only dream about doing, and others don't even know the existence of. He made a premise like Life on Mars work. And boy, did it work. At its very best, Life on Mars is the finest television I've ever seen. (And, as everyone knows, my very favourite episode was a Matthew penned one.) He spent a long time refining the first episode of Life on Mars - slightly over thirty drafts.

So... to see the glimpses of other people destroying his work kind of --- makes me want to punch things. A lot. If this was someone with no skill rewriting Palimpsest and turning it into this hilariously awful story (which, by the way, is so very easy to do - seriously - just as with this trailer, all you need to do is change the tone), I would want vengeance.

Now, I know Matthew isn't as precious as I am, about anything, but especially about LoM. But, yes. Awfulness.

Massive, massive love for Bharat Nalluri, who obviously was amazingly instrumental in giving the original Life on Mars its initial look. Massive, massive love for the producers who had a clear direction and great ideas. Massive, massive love for the production designers and sound engineers and - God - actors, and everyone who brought LoM to the small screen. They made something beautiful - gritty, dramatic, confronting - and fucking glorious.

Unlike this, which is obviously an absolute pile of shit - and yes, I am judging it on its appallingly bad trailer, because first impressions count.

fandom, life on mars

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