Today I spent a whole heap of money on tinned and dry goods to go up North with me. It was the most I have ever bought at any one time.
Goofy, goofy fun.
James Marsters was having the TIME OF HIS LIFE. Star Wars reference! The Western showdown! It's like fanfic on the screen, only this time, good fanfic, written by a writer who's found their voice.
YAY CHIBNALL, I KNEW YOU HAD IT IN YOU. No one could write two amazing Life on Mars episodes and then never master something like Torchwood.
It probably also helps that I've decided to lock away my inner critic and just enjoy the show for what it is.
Unsurprisingly, I still hate Gwen and still love Ianto. (Also, he continues to remind me of Dylan Moran. It's the way he delivers his lines and the timbre of his voice.)
Continue to not take yourself seriously, Torchwood, and we'll get along just fine this series.