Title: Just Your Average Day in CID Fandom: Life on Mars Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 1190 words Notes: Sam/Gene slash PWP for hambelandjemima, who’s kind of evil.
I just came on here to post something completely devoid of plot and full of porn and found this! So much shecks and it's.. 8.15am!
I would absolutely love to imagine this is exactly what happens day in day out at the station. Infact I'm sure it does. I adore how Sam delibrately winds Gene up but the sex, despite being hot and lovely, is actually quite sweet. They are sweet! Mmm.
I have nothing but sheer respect for your amazing work rate, almost a fic a day, and all of the highest quality, you, dear madam, have single-handedly got me addicted into reading lom stories, which I never believed was possible.
I'm going to be swamped in with work for the next nine weeks, so there should be no fics then. There might be, of course, because I am like that, but there shouldn't be.
Comments 59
I would absolutely love to imagine this is exactly what happens day in day out at the station. Infact I'm sure it does. I adore how Sam delibrately winds Gene up but the sex, despite being hot and lovely, is actually quite sweet. They are sweet! Mmm.
Thank you! I'm on a 'they are so lovely and I love them and no bad things will ever happen to them ever' kick at the moment.
I'm going to be swamped in with work for the next nine weeks, so there should be no fics then. There might be, of course, because I am like that, but there shouldn't be.
Hehe...Angela. That's my gran's name. :p
Thank you :D
Brilliant Loz. So hot. :)
Thank you :D
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