Title: Waste Not, Want Not Fandom: Life on Mars Rating: PG Word Count: 360 words. Notes: Gen for jantalaimon, on her birthday. Which is today, in my timezone. ♥
I've decided. You obviously have better control of your bunnies than I do.
Mine just go where they want and I try to follow. "Signals" started off simply with an image in my mind (mmmm) of Sam posing on the diving board. I had no idea I was going to end up with my first attempt at writing penetration.
Someone suggested that following that story, I should write Gene's first time, but I don't see any point, because anyone who wants to know can, and should, read Inverse. I can't better that!
Oh no, don't think like that! Just think of the all of the brilliant stories that would never have been written if the writers had thought, 'but it's been done!' It doesn't matter if it's been done before - what matters is your interpretation, your spin.
Writing 'Inverse' was the second most difficult thing I've done in my entire life. The first was writing the Sam/Gene/Annie threesome in 'Goodnight, Sweetheart'. My sexual paranoia extends far. (I almost always want to write dialogue, dialogue, dialogue and end with 'and then they done sex'.)
Maybe, but I don't do that stuff. I'd hate to have to think "what is my interpretation of this; how am I going to present the idea?" Most of my writing comes from just below the conscious layer, which could be why fiction is the only thing I ever hand-write and then type up. One of the lines sytaxia picked out of Signals as being very original was written when I was literally falling asleep. I had to pick a lot of sddjgsuaxg out of it the next day.
Oh, sure, it can be completely unconscious. When I'm actually writing I am very rarely thinking, "how might this be interpreted?", I'm just writing. The thinking about it comes in the planning (HAHA), or the editing.
What I'm saying is that someone could give us identical prompts and we'd both write something wildly different. Your life, your experiences, your personality impact on what you do. So write that fic - because it will be unique, definitive in its own right.
Hmmm...It'll have to wait its turn, I think. It won't fit into "Dying Inside", or my "Gene meets CTCG" or my Sam Williams fic, and I really can't be starting anything else while those have been sitting unfinished for so long. Mind you, I thought that before writing Filing Cabinet, Cousins, Signals and the ring thing.
Actually, thinking about it, apropos my comment on one of your other journal entries: "Dying Inside" really is outside of my area of competence. I thought very seriously about sending it to Hellblazer06 to see if she could do a "Serpent's Tooth" on the idea, but now I don't think I'd want to give it away. Ah well, one day perhaps it'll write itself, one scene at a time.
*nods* It's a magical power you have, see. I think it's even probably your superhero identity. Or supervillain. The jury's out on that one, but you're definitely The Corrupter.
I can't honestly say I like the story, but I do like the way you've done it. It's very clever.
I like to mix it up. My next piece is going to be more akin to fluff, though. I've decided.
Thanks. ♥
Mine just go where they want and I try to follow. "Signals" started off simply with an image in my mind (mmmm) of Sam posing on the diving board. I had no idea I was going to end up with my first attempt at writing penetration.
Someone suggested that following that story, I should write Gene's first time, but I don't see any point, because anyone who wants to know can, and should, read Inverse. I can't better that!
Writing 'Inverse' was the second most difficult thing I've done in my entire life. The first was writing the Sam/Gene/Annie threesome in 'Goodnight, Sweetheart'. My sexual paranoia extends far. (I almost always want to write dialogue, dialogue, dialogue and end with 'and then they done sex'.)
Maybe, but I don't do that stuff. I'd hate to have to think "what is my interpretation of this; how am I going to present the idea?" Most of my writing comes from just below the conscious layer, which could be why fiction is the only thing I ever hand-write and then type up. One of the lines sytaxia picked out of Signals as being very original was written when I was literally falling asleep. I had to pick a lot of sddjgsuaxg out of it the next day.
What I'm saying is that someone could give us identical prompts and we'd both write something wildly different. Your life, your experiences, your personality impact on what you do. So write that fic - because it will be unique, definitive in its own right.
Actually, thinking about it, apropos my comment on one of your other journal entries: "Dying Inside" really is outside of my area of competence. I thought very seriously about sending it to Hellblazer06 to see if she could do a "Serpent's Tooth" on the idea, but now I don't think I'd want to give it away. Ah well, one day perhaps it'll write itself, one scene at a time.
Well, you corrupted Fi, Janni and myself with your evil!darkness. We were so sweet and fluffy before we e-met you...
m31andy's The Enabler.
Not sure what Fi's name is, though it'll come to me. Also not sure what mine is. XD
Fi? Hmm. Possibly "The Twister"?
What about jillybean42???
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