Well, I got pregnant in November 2009, then miscarried at Christmas. Had a period in January (the last period). Got pregnant in February. River was obsessed with boob (and still is, to be honest, but obviously I'm all about boobing Willow these days) while also being rubbish at it, and the duration and frequency of feeds kept my periods away.
Then I thought I might be starting to have periods again in the summer of 2012 as I had a bit of spotting one weekend and my mood went crazy. We tried to conceive, while the going was good. Had an early miscarriage (definitely not a period -- no cramping, and blood was (TMI warning) pouring out for a couple of days). Got pregnant again straight after. At ten months old Willow is slightly less obsessed with boob than River was, but still having a fair few feeds every 24 hours.
My understanding is that if I was to go without breastfeeding for 6 hours in a row, for a couple of days in a row, then I'd probably start menstruating again. In fact, I deliberately missed a few feeds with River in 2012 to try and get my body going again. It is possible to ovulate and not menstruate while breastfeeding, which is what I think happened in 2012. But I also understand that continuing to breastfeed through the night can keep your periods away, and we didn't night-wean River until a few months before Willow was born.
It's a great system, really. My body is making sure I don't get pregnant again while I still have a baby/infant that really needs me.
Saying all that, lots of women find that their periods come back after just a few months even with breastfeeding. Bodies, eh?
Then I thought I might be starting to have periods again in the summer of 2012 as I had a bit of spotting one weekend and my mood went crazy. We tried to conceive, while the going was good. Had an early miscarriage (definitely not a period -- no cramping, and blood was (TMI warning) pouring out for a couple of days). Got pregnant again straight after. At ten months old Willow is slightly less obsessed with boob than River was, but still having a fair few feeds every 24 hours.
My understanding is that if I was to go without breastfeeding for 6 hours in a row, for a couple of days in a row, then I'd probably start menstruating again. In fact, I deliberately missed a few feeds with River in 2012 to try and get my body going again. It is possible to ovulate and not menstruate while breastfeeding, which is what I think happened in 2012. But I also understand that continuing to breastfeed through the night can keep your periods away, and we didn't night-wean River until a few months before Willow was born.
It's a great system, really. My body is making sure I don't get pregnant again while I still have a baby/infant that really needs me.
Saying all that, lots of women find that their periods come back after just a few months even with breastfeeding. Bodies, eh?
I didn't realise some women don't have their periods while breastfeeding. (Which: how do I not know this?!) I believe my mother did.
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