Title: Marriage of Convenience
Fandom: Life on Mars
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 277 words.
Notes: Gene-centric gen for the ‘temptation’ challenge on
1973flashfic. Based on Paul McDermott’s song
Summary: Gene thinks about one of his habits.
Marriage of Convenience )
Comments 15
He thinks he should be worthier than that
Awwww. This line. ♥
Thank you!
And the second-from-last paragraph just gutted me.
Gutted is GOOD ♥
He always thought he was fairly good at adapting before. Pretended he wasn’t; knew he was.
Brilliant analysis of his character all the way through this, but especially here. And I'm trying desperately not to think of Ashes or my heart'll break.
Reading this I really want Sam to sweep in and make it all better but that's because I keep forgetting he's not actually made of gold. He probably makes Gene drink more rather than less, sadly. :(
This is a wonderful piece of writing, Loz. ♥
You know, I kept thinking, "at any moment, Sam has to make this better", but, like you, I realised he just wouldn't --- and that it would cheapen what I'm trying to say if I tried to suggest he could.
It is concise and profound and you touch on so many truths in so little space. How much harder it is to ignore when everyone you know is right there drinking with you. "Easier to act without weighing up the repercussions" - yes, oh yes. There he is.
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